Note that the previous story about Trump raping two girls aged 12 and 13 year old, Trump suggested to Girl X that the other girl, Maria, had been murdered, apparently by Trump or Epstein or both. Girl X stated that 12 year old Maria was her friend and she had also been raped by both Trump and Epstein. However, at one point, Maria disappeared and Girl X never saw her again. It was after Maria’s disappearance that Trump threatened Girl X that she “would end up like Maria” (Disappeared? Murdered?) if she talked.
I do not believe that Maria has been heard from since. That doesn’t mean she’s dead, but it’s rather creepy.
We already know that Trump is a rapist maniac who rapes 12 and 13 year old girls. Raping the 12 year old girl is also getting awful close to child molestation.
The question then is:
Is rapist maniac Donald Trump also a child molester and child killer?
Please weigh in. Is rapist Donald Trump a child molester too? Is rapist Donald Trump a child killer too? Please let us know how you feel. Thanks.