Politics Magazine

Did Donald Trump Disappear And/or Murder a 12 Year Old Girl

Posted on the 01 February 2017 by Calvinthedog

Trump’s Violent Rapes, Death Threats against, and Possible Disappearance or Murder of a 12 Year Old Girl

From the previous post, we know that girl who was 13 years old in 1996 charged Trump with raping and beating her and a 12 year old girl named Maria at Jeffrey Epstein’s mansion in New York. The woman had a witness who saw the beatings and all of the rapes. The witness backed up the woman on all details. Witnesses in rape cases are quite rare, so it is shocking any time you get a rape case with a witness. A rape case with a witness is much better than a typical rape case.

Maria later mysteriously disappeared and has not been seen since. Trump then used her disappearance to threaten the other teenage girls, telling them that if they did not cooperate and have sex with him on demand, they “would end up like Maria.” The woman accusing Trump of this took that comment to mean that Maria had possibly been killed or disappeared somewhere.

So the question of the day is: Does Donald Trump disappear and murder little girls? We already know that Donald Trump beats up and rapes little girls. How much further of a step is it to disappearance and even homicide?

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