Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running With My Dog Brought Me Back From the Brink by Nita Sweeney
Published by Mango Publishing Genres: Memoir, Running & Jogging
Pages: 258
Format: Paperback
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Run your way to better mental health
It’s never too late to chase your dreams: Before she discovered running, Nita Sweeney was 49-years-old, chronically depressed, occasionally manic, and unable to jog for more than 60 seconds at a time. Using exercise, Nita discovered an inner strength she didn’t know she possessed, and with the help of her canine companion, she found herself on the way to completing her first marathon. In her memoir, Sweeney shares how she overcame emotional and physical challenges to finish the race and come back from the brink.
There’s hope and help on the track: Anyone who has struggled with depression knows the ways the mind can defeat you. However, it is possible to transform yourself with the power of running. You may learn that you can endure more than you think, and that there’s no other therapy quite like pavement beneath your feet.
Depression Hates a Moving Target is a witty and poignant story of rediscovery. Whether you’re born to run or just looking for rebirth, you will:
Be inspired by the powerful story of one woman―and her dog Cheer on Nita as she endures the challenges of a marathon and a mind in turmoil And discover the power of running to overcome obstacles
If you loved Let Your Mind Run, you’ll love Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running With My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink.
I recently received an email about today’s book, Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running with My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink by Nita Sweeney. I initially thought to myself, “Well, that’s an interesting book title. I can relate to running with my dog.” Then I would scroll down and continue reading emails. I would find myself heading back to that email another day and think to myself, “I might be sad right now because of J’s cancer and my brain aneurysm, but I probably still couldn’t relate…….”
Finally, one day I headed back to that email that I still hadn’t responded to, nor discarded, nor deleted and thought immediately of a phrase I just recently used in an unrelated social media post – “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” – a line from the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare – and realized I needed to read this book.
Do I have anything in common with Nita Sweeney? Hmmmm….. let’s see, let’s start with the easy stuff…….. do I work with attorneys? Am I from Ohio? Have I started running with lofty goals lots of different times and failed by quitting? Have I gone up and down the diet scale gaining and losing weight over and over? Do I run with my dog, Brodie, when I am running? And most recently, am I struggling with what I will self diagnose as “situational depression”? The answers to all of these questions is a resounding YES.
As soon as I started the book, I knew I totally related with Ms. Sweeney in almost all aspects of her story. I couldn’t get enough of this book and I loved her memoir cover to cover. I identified with so many of her day to day situations, her emotions and her inner struggle with running itself. I loved how she shared the truth to the horrible games our minds play on us as we try to improve ourselves through running. Heck, I could even identify with the sad/dirty looks our pups give us if we dare to think about running without them!
Ed, her husband and her mainstay, was her gift, that’s for sure. I know she appreciates and sees what a gift Ed is in her life, showing up at races with hugs and kisses, photos and more. I’ve definitely had a struggle in this area so it is awesome to read about supportive spouses.
Now that I’ve read the book and will highly recommend it to anyone struggling with running or with life generally, I have to say this: I’m so disappointed that I missed Nita Sweeney at the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon Series Expo this year (as well as the race) because my neurologist didn’t think I should fly after my March 2019 brain aneurysm – and I am a race ambassador and everything!!! I totally would have monopolized her time and at the very least had her autograph my copy!
After a decade of legal practice (and a major depressive episode), Nita Sweeney turned in her shingle for a fast-writing pen. People still ask legal questions, but she’s done her best to forget the answers. Instead of negotiating labor contracts for public agencies, she writes, and shares what she’s learned.
Nita’s articles, essays, and poems have appeared in Buddhist America, Dog World, Dog Fancy, Writer’s Journal, Country Living, Pitkin Review, Spring Street, WNBA-SF blog, and in several newspapers and newsletters. She writes the blog, Bum Glue and publishes the monthly email, Write Now Newsletter.
Connect with Nita on social media ~~
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book for review, but was not required to post a review. I chose to provide a positive review because I loved the book! Thank you Ms. Sweeney and Mango Publishing!

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