New Delphi Murders Update!
Notice: All of the really hot discussion and sleuthing on the site has headed over to the private password-protected forum, where our team of ~200 websleuths has been working on this case and has assembled a huge case against our suspect, including videos and many photographs. Instructions on how to get on the private forum.
Note to readers: People don’t understand how this site works. All of our rumors and theories are just hypotheses because few if any of them have been proven. We report the rumor or test out various hypotheses about how the murders were done, by whom and for which motive. This is precisely what all good detectives do all the time. A classic murder case will involve detectives throwing up literally hundreds of suspects, motives, and theories before they finally settle on one or solve the crime. As soon as we report a rumor or formulate a theory, we begin trying to either falsify it or prove it. This is the scientific method. You make a hypothesis, then you set out trying to prove or disprove it. This is how all science and all detective work is done.
Delphi Murders Suspect(s) Under Surveillance by LE!
Suspect 1: In some incredible news, we can now report that a suspect (we will call him Suspect 1) either is or was under surveillance by LE as a suspect in the Delphi Murders. On September 18, we received word from an excellent source that this suspect was under surveillance as a suspect in the case. We do not know if he is still under surveillance, but he may very well be. He also may have been placed under surveillance at some point up to three months prior to September 18. So at least in September, LE had someone under surveillance as a suspect in this crime. It’s possible that they are still under surveillance, and LE may have been watching them for almost five months.
This suspect has changed residence a couple of times around the time he was under surveillance. We have no idea if this man knows was under surveillance. We know who this man is, and we have researched him intensively in recent days. We cannot tell you his name. However, I will say that he refused to give DNA. He has been interviewed twice by LE. The suspect has an alibi for the day of the crime, and he believes that LE is satisfied with his alibi. However, two months after he made that statement, we received a report that he was under surveillance, so it looks like LE does not buy his alibi at all. We have looked into this man’s alibi, and we believe he is lying about his alibi. I will say that this man was definitely in Delphi on the day of the crime.
Suspect 2: We just received a report that LE has identified a man who is associated with the vehicle with the paper drive-off plates that may be the VOI in the case. The report states that this man is under surveillance by LE. However, I feel that this Suspect 2 is probably the same man as Suspect 1.
Suspect 3: A new report says that a man who is well known in connection with this crime (not necessarily in a bad way) and who many have fingered as a suspect for a long time is under surveillance by LE. I do not believe that this man had anything to do with the crime, and I do not believe he is under surveillance, so I think this is a false rumor.
First Ever Photos from the Crime Scene!
Wow. We now have a shocking new development. We believe that we have finally isolated actual photos from the scene of this crime! The photos were stills taken from a video of a news station flying their news helicopter over the area of the crime shortly after the girls’ bodies were found. A pink blotch shows up first at 17:13 and later around the 18 minute mark. At 18:14, there is a flash and then you can see the pink blotch well. We took a still of this shot at 18:14 and have been working on it for some time now. One of our sleuths is a superb graphic artist and she has been doing some great work for us. She has a degree in Graphic Arts.
Upon blowing up the photo and using many filters on it, we have isolated what looks like a human body in this photo. The body appears to be lying on its back with one of its knees bent. You can see what look like two arms splayed out above the legs. The pink blotch is located above the arms. We believe that this is a photograph of the body of Abby Williams. The pink blotch is her red sweatshirt which has been pulled over her face and head, obscuring them.
An awful and extremely self-righteous person named Gray Hughes who specializes in making videos about this crime has made a number of debunking videos that debunk numerous rumors and claims about the crime. Like so many of the idiots involved in this case, he is profoundly self-righteous and he claims he is doing this because the families are being horribly harmed by all of the wild rumors going around about the crimes. He’s doing it to help the families! What a good hearted fellow!
We have sources who are actually friends with family members and if these families were upset about anyone over this case, they would be upset with me and this site. However, we have never heard anything negative from the custodian families of the girls about this site. For the most part, they do not seem to have much to say about us at all. The crime was horrible enough. It’s hard to say that the families are more upset about a bunch of wild rumors than they were about the crime itself. I’m sure they are losing sleep over this crime. About some crazy rumors? I truly doubt it.
Hughes is like so many other websleuths looking at this crime, including the losers who hang out on Reddit Delphi Murders. They spend almost all of their crime screaming down any new information about the crime that is not conclusively proven. Well almost nothing has been conclusively proven about this crime at least to the public anyway. According to them, we know almost nothing whatsoever about this crime and we have no right to speculate or theorize about anything. They spent almost all their time screaming, “We know almost nothing! Not proven! Must be proven! Nothing is known! Nothing is known about this crime. Way to solve the crime, guys! You’ll get far with that “we know nothing” mindset. I’m sure lots of crimes get solved that way!
Anyway, this very nasty man has gained a lot of undeserved fame from these debunking videos. However, like most folks who are full of themselves, he has gotten way ahead of himself. His last couple of videos are flat out wrong. One video says that Bridge Man does not have a fanny pack. Instead it’s just a shadow. Perhaps Hughes should consult with the FBI on that one as the FBI said that the Bridge Man has a fanny pack. Hughes also made a video proving that the flat object on the left leg of the Bridge Man is just the sun shining on his pants. However, we have proven via the use of filters that that object must be some actual object in his pants. In fact, it is a knife kit with three fishing knives in it.
Hughes got quite a bit of fame for debunking an earlier version of the crime scene photo. He made a video “proving” that the shots were taken a long ways away from the probable crime scene. He even fooled me on that one.
But now we know that Gray Hughes was wrong once again.
The reason we know he is wrong is because we can see actual flashes right around the area of the pink blotch. Those flashes can only be crime scene investigators photographing the crime scene. All of the flashes are in the same place and they are all right next to the pink blotch. In fact, we have one photo with the pink blotch and a flash both in the same still. If anything, we can prove that the pink blotch is exactly in the vicinity of the actual crime scene. This leads us to believe that this is an actual photo of one of the victims.
We believe that the photos below are actual crime scene photographs. If you find them graphic, please do not view them, but honestly there’s not much to see other than what looks like an outline of a human body with next to no details visible.

Original from 18:14 in the video, zoomed, with filters.

Same photo with a warmer filter. Notice the red object and the flash of the crime scene investigator’s camera to the lower right of it.

Our graphics editor’s finger pointing out the flash of the detective’s camera to the lower right of the pink object.

Our graphics worker’s finger pointing out the circled object on the left (Abby Williams’ body). The circled object to the right is the flash of a detective’s camera.

An extreme close up of what appears to be Abby Williams’ body from the crime scene. The red object is her sweatshirt pulled over her head. You can see what appear to be two arms extending from the upper body. You can also see what look like two legs in the lower body. The left leg is bent at the knee. The unfortunate “devil’s horns” effect produced on Abby’s head is caused by the flash of the camera reflecting off a nearby tree projected onto her covered head.

Crime scene photo with filters added. Some things are harder to see, but the legs and even feet show up very well in this image.

Probably the best crime scene photo of all, with added filters. You can see that the detective photographing the body is right to the right of Abby’s waist from our POV. The legs, arms, sweatshirt, and camera flash all show up very well in this photo.
New Information!
We have a lot of new information in this post that has hardly been released anywhere, and most people have never heard of any of this, so it should be interesting to a lot of people.
More on the Vehicle of Interest in the Case!
In tbe last post on August 30, we showed you photographs of a possible VOI (Vehicle of Interest) in the case. In the interim, we have been beaten to Hell over this. There have been many calls for the owner of this vehicle to sue the website for libel, etc.
The VOI in the crime is said to be a late model white Dodge Dart with paper plates. A vehicle matching this description was seen at the trailhead by a witness at 3 PM on February 13, which was exactly the time that this crime was occurring. We will call this vehicle Vehicle 2, the VOI in the case.
Although we do not know this is the VOI, we believe it is. There is a record of a woman reporting the vehicle, and it has long been rumored to be the VOI in the case. According to the rumors, all vehicles at the crime scene except for this one and possibly a maroon car have been located by LE and cleared. So although we are basing our analysis on widespread rumors that this is the VOI in the case, it’s important to note that this has not yet been proven.
In addition, a white late model Dodge Dart was also seen seven miles south of Delphi at a woman’s home on the morning of the crime at about 8 AM. The woman was suspicious of the man, so she took several photographs of the vehicle. The photos are below. We will call this vehicle Vehicle 1, the vehicle photographed that morning in Delphi.

Photo taken in the early AM seven miles south of Delphi, Indiana on 2-13-17, eight hours before the Delphi murders occurred in that same town. This white late model white Dodge Dart matches the description of the possible VOI at the crime scene, with one exception. This vehicle has normal license plates and the VOI had paper drive-off plates. Also the two vehicles had different license numbers. The license # is written on the photo.
We have five photos of this car. This is only one of them. All photos show the vehicle and an unknown man next to the car. All photos are quite similar.
We spent a lot of time investigating this vehicle since we had its license number. One of our sleuths has somehow learned how to do skip-tracing. I thought only the police knew how to do this, but apparently some private investigators know how to do it too. Although it took her months, she was able to do a skip trace on the license number and the vehicle above.
First of all, it is important to note the differences between the two otherwise identical vehicles. The vehicle seen seven miles south of Delphi had normal license plates on it. The VOI at the crime scene had paper drive-off plates on it. Each plate had a different license number, although the vehicles were otherwise identical. However, our sleuth was somehow able to discover the license number on the paper plates of the VOI. How she figured this out, I have no idea. So we now have the license number of the VOI in the case.
The license number of Vehicle 1 seen seven miles south of Delphi that morning was traced by our skip tracer. She traced it back to a white late model Dodge Dart on a rental car lot, so the vehicle in the photo is a rental. She also learned the name of the man who had rented out the vehicle in the photo that day. To our stunned surprise, the man who rented out Vehicle 1 is a known suspect in the Delphi Murders! Now we do not know that the man in the photo is the same man as the suspect who rented the car that day. There are problems with the description. However, I believe that the man in the photo is indeed the suspect who rented that vehicle that day. We were not able to obtain the name of the rental car agency because the sleuth would not give it to us.
Now this is fantastic information as it places a known suspect via a photograph near Delphi on the morning of the murders driving a vehicle that exactly resembles the VOI in the crime! However, here is where we run into problems.
Somehow the sleuth obtained the license number of the VOI with the paper plates seen at the scene that day. These paper drive-off plates went back to a late model white Dodge Dart on a dealership lot. We were not able to get any more information from the sleuth regarding the name of the dealership, whether the car had been sold or not, etc.
Here is where the problem is.
According to the sleuth, since the two license plates do not match, we are talking about two different vehicles. In other words, there were two late model white Dodge Darts in Delphi that day, each with a different license plate. Although this seems hard to believe, this is exactly where the evidence leads us. The sleuth feels that the suspect is ruled out because the plate on the vehicle he rented that day does not match the plate on the vehicle at the crime scene. Further, one set was real plates and the other set was paper plates.
This would indeed seem to rule out the suspect, except for one thing.
How about a theory?
This theory suggests that the author of this crime is extremely crafty, nearly a master criminal who planned this crime perfectly.
According to this theory, the man in the photo above is indeed our suspect and he did indeed rent the vehicle in the photo that day. However, he was also very, very smart. He knew he was going to rent a white late model Dodge Dart that day. So he went to a dealership and found another late model Dodge Dart and stole the paper plates off of it. On the day of the crime, he rented the car in the photo above, but he also carried the paper plates. So in that photo above, he would have the paper plates on him somewhere in that vehicle.
Just before the crime, he switched out the plates on the car, replacing the rental plates with the paper drive-off plates. Paper plates are hard to remember because they have 10 letters, so some criminals prefer them for crimes. They put the paper plates on to do the crime and then discard them after the crime is done. We have been told that meth dealers in the area use rental cars and paper plates in exactly this same manner.
The suspect then committed the crime using the paper plates so he could not be linked to the VOI at the crime scene. Our sleuth felt that the suspect did not do this because she thought he was not smart enough. However, I believe the man who did this crime was a master criminal and the suspect above is indeed crafty enough to do something like that.
So there you have it. A suspect has been linked to a car matching the VOI at the scene, but crucially, the license plates do not match, so legally he cannot be linked to the VOI at the crime scene. If the suspect did this, it was brilliant thinking.
I do not know who did this crime. At one time I thought I did, but now I am not sure. Of course I have a favorite suspect, but I don’t know if he did the crime or not. I think he did, but that’s just one more opinion. Maybe he’s innocent. I could be wrong. I have been wrong enough in this crime. I would say only that my favorite suspect is a good suspect in the Delphi Murders case and leave it at that.
More New Information!
We have just received a lot of new information about the witnesses in this case.
There were at least five people who saw Bridge Man at the scene that day. Two of them were men in their 20’s and one was an older woman.
Bridge Man was seen on the trail at 2 PM heading towards the bridge and again at 3:15 leaving the area, heading towards Freedom Bridge, which is where he seems to have parked his car. Freedom Bridge over Highway 25 gives you access to the Monon High Trail.
In both cases, witnesses said that Bridge Man’s face was obscured by a white scarf!
You would think that when he was seen at 3:15, he would have been covered with blood. At the very least, his jeans should have been wet because he definitely waded that creek with the girls six minutes after they were abducted. But we heard nothing from the witnesses indicating that his clothes were wet or bloody.
The witness named Cheyenne was at the bridge at 3 PM. There have been many questions about her, with some suggesting that she was in on the crime and others wondering why she didn’t hear anything. She sent us a very nasty email, but aside from that, she has cooperated with LE from the very start. Also if she was there at 3 PM, the crime was just about over by that point, as the girls were first abducted at ~2:20 PM and the crime was probably over by 3 PM. I do not believe that this Cheyenne woman had anything to do with this crime.
Derrick German, Libby’s father, arrived at the scene at 3:12 and began calling the girls. At that time, Bridge Man would have been almost to his vehicle and the crime would have been over by at least 12 minutes. I do not believe that Derrick German had anything to do with this crime.
There is a new report that LE has a suspect in this crime, and they also have a motive. I have heard who the suspect is and I also heard the motive. I do not believe that this man had anything to do with this crime, and I doubt this motive as I believe it is premised on a falsehood.
There is a new rumor that based on the voices on the tape, LE is looking at three suspects in these murders. I have no idea if this rumor is true or not, as I have no idea if there was one or more than one perpetrator of this crime. There seems to be good evidence for both a single actor and more than one killer, but they cannot both be true. So I am uncertain if there was one killer or more than one.
There is a rumor that Libby was disemboweled. Fortunately, I can now confirm that this is absolutely not true.
There has long been a rumor that the girls were impaled with stakes or bunches of sticks. A couple of the sources of these rumors were very good. However, based on new information, we do not believe that the girls were impaled with stakes or branches unless these wooden objects were removed from their bodies soon after the crime, which I find dubious. Right now, we think that it is probably quite unlikely that the girls were impaled with sticks. Well, that’s good!
We have been bashed to Hell and back over a rumor stemming from the very earliest days that one of the girls was pregnant. There were also theories that said that this pregnancy was a reason for the crimes. We abandoned the theory about a hillbilly abortion performed in the Mears barn a long time ago. Also it is absolutely not true that the Mears have been put through Hell due to the barn theory, and we have never accused them of being involved in this crime. These are just two of the lies that people are telling about us. While there was good reason to believe that the barn was involved, that theory looks dead now. We are still getting bashed to Hell and back over the barn and abortion theory, even though we junked it many months ago.
Anyway, I am very happy to report that we can finally apparently falsify the pregnancy rumors. We have been desperately trying to falsify this theory for months now, but no one would come forward and falsify it. For the record, we have been reporting this rumor as “unproven” for many months now, but the haters just keep bashing away regardless. Via Becky Patty, who I thank very much, we can now finally report that apparently neither girl was pregnant. Now how Becky knows this, I have no idea. But for now, I think we should take her word for it.
Just in time, soon after we falsified the pregnancy theory, it sprung up again among locals, this time much more elaborated. This goes to show you that this theory never came from us in the first place. This was simply a very hot theory that was zipping around the area, and we reported it. Of course we didn’t make it up. Now you see that even after we abandoned it, it starts right back up again, so that shows you we have no control over it. I am not even going to give you the details about the new pregnancy theory or who it involves. For right now, I think I will defer to Becky Patty’s denial and report this new pregnancy rumor as apparently a false rumor.
We have some superb sources now, and we are working very hard on solving this pregnancy theory definitively one way or another once and for all.
We long since abandoned a theory that the girls were transported in a vehicle. We are still getting bashed to high heaven for this theory, even though we trashed it months ago.
Becky Patty has debunked several rumors for us, and we thank her so much for that. These rumors are:
- The girls had a letter, possibly the letter K, carved on them. Not true.
- The girls had a small amount of change stolen from them. Not true.
- The girls had some jewelry stolen from them. Not true.
- A backpack was stolen from Abby. Not true.
- The girls were sexually assaulted or raped. Apparently not true.
- The girls’ fingernails were torn off. Not true.
- Libby sent a text message to Mike Patty at some point around the time of the crime. Not true.
New Theories!
We also have some new theories about the crime.
One theory is about how this horrible crime was committed, along with girls screaming, and no one heard the noise, even though there were a few people in the area at the time.
Via one of our excellent sleuths:
I’ll preface this by saying I believe the girls were killed where they were found and BG left via the cemetery.
I studied the topographical map of Deer Creek as J. suggested, Thanks J.!
The area where the girls were found is more or less within a steep valley with cliffs, about 80’ from creek to top. Sound travels outward in waves from its origin. Much of surrounding cliffs were covered with barren trees, undergrowth, deadfall, and soil -all pretty good sound-absorbing materials. The openings where the sound could escape are straight up, to the east through the creek valley or to the west around a bend toward the bridge. That day the wind was coming from the WSW at between 7 and 21 mph. When the wind gusts, Deer Creek Valley becomes a wind tunnel from W to E impeding the scream waves, pushing them east away from the bridge and away from any witnesses.
This is something an experienced hunter might know, or something a operator would learn in Special Forces School. BG is a hunter-killer who knows this land like the back of his bloody hand.
Another theory revolves around the catfishing theory. Although initially we thought that the girls were catfished, we dropped that theory down to unproven not long afterwards which is where it remains. There is some evidence for the catfishing theory – for instance, in the first few days after the crime, family members were openly wondering if the girls were catfished. A detective made a remark that families should watch what their children are doing on social media. And a source reported that his friend, a Delphi police officer, told him that the girls were definitely catfished. Nevertheless, second hand reports from LE to us have gone belly up a number of times in the past, so this hearsay is not probitive. It’s interesting but not probitive.
There are many serious problems with the catfishing theory, mostly that a digital trail might well have been left behind. We regard these rejoinders as excellent evidence against the catfishing theory.
Nevertheless, there is another theory that accomodates the catfishing theory well without being precisely a catfishing theory. This implies that the killer watched the girls’ digital footsteps and planned his crime knowing what they were up to that day. One theory here is that the girls were geocaching. As a matter of fact, we have uncovered evidence proving that both girls were geocaching all around the area in the few days before the crime.
At least Libby German was an avid geocacher and Abby may have been a geocaching fan herself. And most spectacularly of all, we believe that the girls were geocaching when this crime took place. We believe this because they had been geocaching all around the area at the time, and there was in fact a geocache by the Monon High Bridge on the day of the crime! Even more spectacularly, the geocache was located right off the end of the south end of the bridge, which is precisely where the girls were abducted. Now how the killer figured out that the girls were geocaching that day, if he did at all, we do not know. However, we think that LE should look into the geocaching angle of this crime.
The Actual Murders
The following consists of a number of rumors about how the girls were killed. Most of these rumors have not yet been validated and should be taken with a huge grain of salt. However, the rumors in italics are apparently true to the best of our knowledge:
Probably or Fully True Rumors
Both girls were disrobed. One girl was naked and her top half was covered with leaves. Another girl was also naked with her top pulled over her head. Most of the girls’ clothing was found in the creek.
Both girls had dirt under the nails. One girl also had blood under her nails. The other girl’s nails were badly torn up.
Police believe that one girl had 4-5 chances to escape, but did not flee because she was so dedicated to her friend that she vowed to not leave her friend in this horrible state with this monster. In real life, they were inseparable.
One girl had her throat slit. Her throat was so badly cut that she was nearly decapitated.
One girl had a knife wound to the heart and another wound to the jugular vein in her throat.
A large knife with a gut hook was somehow used in this crime. After the crime happened, LE were asking around at local hardware stores if anyone had bought a large knife with a gut hook recently. They asked this at the CVS near the bridge. There are two possibilities here. One is that a knife like this was used on the girls, and LE were able to determine this by looking at the nature of the wounds. The other possibility is that the killer used this knife in the crime and then left it at the scene for whatever reason. At the moment, we favor the theory that the knife was left at the scene by killer, but there’s no hard evidence one way or the other.
Uncertain but Plausible Rumors
Branches or bundles of sticks had been shoved into the girls’ vaginas and anuses and into various stab wounds in their bodies.
At some point, at least one of the girls was stricken with the blunt end of a gun.
At least one of the girls had the back of her head badly bashed in with a heavy object, possibly a rock.
The killer used some sort of strong chemical to try to destroy any of his DNA left at the scene.
The girls were “posed” in the crime scene.
The Bridge Man: What Is Known and What Is Theorized
The Bridge Man is wearing boots from the Indiana Packers plant in town. See below for some evidence backing that up.
The Bridge Man is a fisherman. See below for the knife kit he is carrying on his left leg.
The Bridge Man is definitely lefthanded. See below for evidence that the positioning of the gun he is carrying means that he is lefthanded.
The Bridge Man is bowlegged. This can be observed from the photos.
The Bridge Man is duck-footed; that is, his feet go outward when he walks. This can be observed from the photos.
The Bridge Man has an injury to his left knee. One theory is that based on the way he is walking, he has suffered a medial plateau fracture of the knee joint. He also seems to have some arthritis of that knee. This theory also states that the Bridge Man has had an operation to repair the damaged knee, or tibia actually, as it is technically Bridge Man’s tibia that is broken. The theory goes on to state that he has had an operation to repair the knee. This operation is called an ORIF – an Open Reduction Internal Fixation. If this is true, then Bridge Man probably had a plate and a few screws in his knee. He would also have a long jagged scar on his left knee.
The Bridge Man is 50-55 years old. Our theory based on his appearance in the photos.
The Bridge Man is 5’8-5’10 and weighs 170-190 pounds. The height is based on LE estimates. The weight is based on LE estimates but we have revised their estimate 10 pounds downward. Weight is much harder than height to estimate.
The Bridge Man appears to be in good shape for his age based on the way he easily navigates the rickety, frightening bridge. Self-evident.
The Bridge Man smokes and is smoking during the crime. He may also smoke cigarillos, as a cigarillo wrapper was found at the scene. See below for the blowup of Bridge Man’s face showing that he has a smoke in his lips and that there is a cloud of smoke emanating from the left side of his face.
More about the Man on the Bridge
The fanny pack that the Bridge Man is wearing is actually wearing what is called a deer kit. Your typical deer kit on sale on the Internet contained five different types of knives. These knives are to be used by hunters in cutting up and dressing the deer that they kill. The Bridge Man’s deer kit is probably like a typical one in that no doubt it contained different knives, probably the five different types of knives found in a typical deer kit. Additional evidence comes from police looking for a man who bought a knife with a gut hook. All deer kits normally contain a gut hook knife as one of the knives in the kit. I think it is obvious that he intends to use those knives to cut the girls. Indeed, the girls are thought to have suffered numerous knife wounds.
One of our theories is that the deer pack is a homemade one made by the local Amish. We located a man in Wisconsin who identified the pack as a deer kit and said he had one that looked exactly like it. Curiously, he said it had been made by local Mennonites in Wisconsin, a German Protestant group similar to the Amish.

A closeup of BG’s object under his left pant leg with the object circled. We now believe this is a net fishing bag with a knife kit in it with three fillet knives. So BG is definitely a fisherman.
" data-orig-size="282,466" sizes="(max-width: 282px) 100vw, 282px" data-image-title="BG pantleg object" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="BG pantleg object" srcset=" 282w, 91w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-89803" data-large-file="" />The fanny pack. We now believe that this is something called a deer kit. These kits are used by hunters to cut up their deer, and a gut hook knife is indeed one of those knives. Another is called a caping knife. They usually contain five different types of knives. We believe that BG may well have up to five different types of knives in that deer kit.
One theory is that the gun may be secured in a left-handed gun holster strapped to his right side.
One theory is that the holster resembles the one below and that it was an antique holster, homemade by local Amish.

If the Bridge Man is using a gun holster, one theory is that it is an antique homemade one made by the local Amish.
We know the Bridge Man is left-handed because of the gun that he is carrying is in such a position that would only be used if he were lefthanded.
We know the Bridge Man has a gun on him as it can clearly be seen in outline under his jacket.

Click to enlarge. Photo clearly shows a semiautomatic handgun holstered on his right, which means he is lefthanded. That object can only be a gun.
We have a couple of theories about the gun he is carrying. Originally we thought that the gun was an M1911 early model, pre-1986, possibly purchased from the local Amish, as they have a lot of these for sale. However, the shape is completely wrong for that type of gun. Notice the large bulbous protrusion on the rear of the pistol. That cannot possibly be an M1911. Instead, one theory is that that is a High Point Firearms model 34510. This is a very cheap firearm, a “Saturday night special.” They sell for as low as $200 brand new. Another theory is that it is a similar type of gun that is known for being extremely lightweight.
Our second theory is that the gun may have been stolen from Ron Logan. Ron had a huge gun collection and there was a big breakin at his house in December where many guns were stolen. A young drug-involved woman who was staying with him at the time was thought to be involved. Admittedly we do not have much evidence for this theory other than a statement from a suspect.

Here is the rectangular object under BG’s left jeans leg. It is in light blue. The red circle is around some unknown object.
Next let us look at the strange object strapped to Bridge Man’s left leg. We now believe that this is a knife kit with three fisherman’s fillet knives in it. This leads us to believe that the Bridge Man is an outdoorsman, a fisherman, hunter or both, due to the fishing knives and the deer kit. Also, assuming the deer kit has five knives in it, this means that Bridge Man brought eight knives with him to do this crime.
One of our sleuths asked at work and a woman at work said she thought it was something called a “net fishing bag” that fishermen sometimes use. She had one herself. But we still needed to explain the rectangular object that the net fishing bag did not explain it well.
- This is a net fishing bag. We believe that this is the object that appears rectangular under BG’s jeans.
When we rotated the object, we found that we could see both the net fishing bag and inside of it, what looks like a knife kit. Inside the knife kit, we believe there are three fishing knives. To us they look like fillet knives. So Bridge Man brought this knife kit with him to do this crime.

This is the rectangular object, enhanced and rotated to the lect. Now we can not only see that the object is not really rectangular but is instead more bag shaped.
The photo below shoes some of the type of knives that may be inside of this knife kit.

Knife case with three knives in it. We believe that a similar case is the rectangular object. If the knives are well secured in that case, then he will not get cut by the knives, which is the standard argument against the knife kit theory.
Next we will move onto the Bridge Man’s boots. First of all, we believe he is wearing boots and not sneakers or tennis shoes. The boots are black. Notice the white stripe going all around the boots?
Now look closely at the boots below. Several days after the crime, LE released this photo of these boots in an evidence bag. Then they said that the boots had nothing to do with the crime, but LE always says things like that. A couple of days before, Indiana State Police had raided Indiana Packers. The stated reason was a bomb threat, but we believe there was no bomb threat. Instead that was just an excuse to shut down the plant and raid the police. After LE were done with the raid, they walked away with a pair of Indiana Packers workboots.
A few days later, a photo of these IP boots was released innocently to the media, however, they were in an evidence bag. Obviously LE felt that these were the model of boots that the Bridge Man was wearing. When we blow up the Bridge Man’s boots, we see now that his black boots with the white stripe all around them are an excellent match for the IP boots in the evidence bag.

Here is a side by side comparison of the Bridge Man’s boots and the Indiana Packers boots seized by LE during a raid, placed in an evidence bag, and released to the media. Based on the fact that the Bridge Man is wearing Indiana Packers work boots, a good theory is that he is either a current or former worker at Indiana Packers.
New Information – Bridge Man is Smoking a Cigarette!
However, one thing is obvious in this photo and in any photo of the Bridge Man, and that is his massive nose

Blowup found on the Net that appears to show the Bridge Man smoking. And compare that massive nose to the rather normal nose on the sketch. No comparison, right? Ok, so explain.
The photo above showing the Bridge Man with a cigarette in his mouth and a smoke cloud on the left side of his face was originally said to be a Photoshopped fake. However, we looked into the matter further and spoke to the woman who was there when this photo was created. Based on our discussion with her, there is no way that this photo is faked ,and that cigarette is either an artifact or it is a real cigarette in his mouth. Looking at the smoke coming up from the left side of his face and the fact that a cigarillo wrapper was found at the scene, I believe that the photo above shows Bridge Man smoking a cigarette or cigarillo with a cloud of smoke rising on the left side of his face.
Also note the huge nose on the blown up photo. Notice how Bridge Man in the sketch does not have a huge nose at all.

Composite photo of the Delphi Killer suspect. Where’s the huge nose?
I have been ridiculed to Hell and back for thinking that the Bridge Man is wearing a fake nose. Right now it appears that I am the only person who believes this, and no one agrees with me. I would say that that makes my theory a bit dubious. Nevertheless, those who say he has no fake nose must explain why his nose is so huge in the photo and the nose on the photos does not match up with the nose on the sketch. It’s either a fake nose or it’s some photographic artifact and his nose is not really huge like that.
We are now working on a rather wild theory that the Bridge Man was elaborately disguised on that day. We have been working a lot with a graphic artist on Bridge Man’s face, and she thinks he may be wearing a mask because his face has no contrast on it at all. According to her, this is only possible if he is wearing a mask. If he is wearing a mask, then a fake nose is certainly not out of the question.
Keep in mind that this is just a theory we are working on right now and at the moment, we don’t know if he has a mask or a fake nose.
The motivation for this crime is hard to figure out, but we suspect it may be similar to many serial killers. Although there is no evidence yet that the Bridge Man has killed other people beyond this crime, he certainly may have. Hence we believe the Bridge Man is a “serial killer type” instead of a serial killer. In that case, the motivation for the crime is that of a sexually sadistic psychopathic serial type killer.
posted on 04 December at 00:05
I don't believe he is wearing a mask. If people would stop trying to enhance the photo and stop changing the contrast, pixels, saturation etc, you can see his face and what he is wearing. People are trying too hard and causing themselves to see things that aren't there. IMO What I see is a man around 35-40, 5"9, 175 lbs, brown hair,mustache(handlebar style),wearing a camo style baseball hat and a hoodie with a blue windbreaker style jacket snapped or zipped up. The drawstring from the hoodie is sticking out from his jacket and can be seen clearly below his chin. He is wearing a watch, blue denim levi style jeans and what appears to be a fanny pack possibly brown leather. In the jacket, he is carrying what appears to be a gun(on the right side)which would indicate he is left handed. His shoes are brown but it is unclear as to the make or style. I would guess they are size 9 or 10.