He appears to me to be a sadistic rapist killer, possibly a serial killer. These men have some commonalities. Most serial killers who rape probably fit this type. There are four types of rapists, and sadistic rapists are the rarest. The other three types do not typically kill. However, the Rage Rapist can be driven into a frenzy if the victim fights back. He often beats his victim but he does not intend to kill her. However, the beating itself may be fatal.
The other two are Power-Reassurance and Power Assertive rapists and they rarely kill. In particular the Power Reassurance type almost never kills, and victims can often reason with these rapists and even convince them to stop the attack by playing on their guilt feelings. These are not sociopaths, so they do have guilt and they often feel guilty about raping. This type is also known as the “Gentleman Rapist.” If you are going to get raped anyway, you are better off being raped by this fellow than by the others.
Profile of sadistic rapist killers, using a sample of 30:
- Most are white males.
- Fewer than one-half were educated beyond high school.
- One-half used alcohol or other drugs.
- One-third served in the Armed Forces.
- Forty-three percent were married at the time of the offense.
- Forty-three percent of the men participated in homosexual activity as adults, 20 percent engaged in cross-dressing, and 20 percent committed other sexual offenses, such as peeping, obscene phone calls, and indecent exposure.
- 77 percent of the offenders used sexual bondage on their victims, often tying them with elaborate and excessive materials, using neat and symmetrical bindings, and restraining them in a variety of positions.
- 60 percent held their victims in captivity for more than 24 hours.
- The most common sexual activity was anal rape, followed in frequency by forced fellatio, vaginal rape, and foreign object penetration.
- Sixty percent of the offenders beat their victims. Each of the sexual sadists studied intentionally tortured their victims. Each of the sexual sadists studied also inflicted psychological suffering on their victims.
- Many demonstrate cunning and methodical planning. The capture of the victim, the selection and preparation of equipment, and the methodical elicitation of suffering often reflect meticulous attention to detail. Almost invariably, the victims were taken to a location selected in advance that offered solitude and safety for the sadist and little opportunity of escape or rescue for the victim.
- Forty percent of the men took and kept personal items belonging to their victims.
- Sixteen percent of the men assaulted child victims only, and 26 percent attacked both children and adults.
- Twenty-nine of the 30 men selected white victims only.
- Their crimes are repetitive, serious, and shocking, and they take special steps to prevent detection.
- They think they are smarter than the police and when being interviewed will try to manipulate the interview and also try to gain knowledge of what the police know.