Originally posted on EC EBM:
Top 20 Reasons why referees and editors Reject medical research manuscripts
- Statistics: inappropriate, incomplete, or insufficiently described, etc.
- Over interpretation of the results
- Inappropriate, suboptimal, insufficiently described methods
- Sample too small or biased
- Text difficult to follow, to understand
- Insufficient or incomplete problem statement
- Inaccurate or inconsistent data reported
- Inadequate, incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated review of the literature
- Insufficient data presented
- Defective tables or figures
- Scores insufficiently reliable or unknown reliability
- Unimportant or irrelevant topic
- Intervention (independent variable) insufficiently described or confusing
- Subjects insufficiently described
- Lack of conceptual or theoretical framework
- Under interpretation of results; ignoring results
- Potential confounding variables not addressed
- Incomplete, insufficient information in abstract
- Title not representative of the study
- Sampling method inappropriate or insufficiently described
This is why we need a series of training days to be able to prepare a flawless manuscript.