Happy New Year Lovely Readers! How was your December? Are you looking forward to a new year? For me, a new year brings so much possibility. Fresh starts. New beginnings.
December was a relatively slow reading month for me. Between traveling, family time and life there was not as much time to read as I would have liked. What I did read was all top notch. More to come on Grit and The Sleepwalker!
The Orphan’s Tale by Pam Jenoff {review here}
Grit: Passion, Perseverance and the Science of Success by Angela Duckworth {review coming soon}
The Sleepwalker by Chris Bohjalian {review coming soon}
Best Fiction Read in 2016 – I love to look back over the books read during the past year, don’t you!
How the Circus Saved Innocents in The Orphan’s Tale – I couldn’t wait to tell you about this book! It’s not being released until February 21st, but oh my goodness it was SO GOOD!
7 Must-Have Blogging Resources for #AMonthofFaves – I ended up not being able to participate more in this fantastic month-long challenge, but hopefully 2017 will be different.
13 Amazing Author TED Talks – I’m a huge champion of TED Talks. From anywhere between 4 minutes – 25 minutes, these inspirational, motivational talks are both great entertainment AND immensely educational. If you have know of one you think I’d enjoy, please do let me know!
Normally I’m not big on watching much television or Netflix but these past few months my sweetheart and I have been working our way through The Office. I know, we’re a little late to the office party, but oh wow! so many innuendos and jokes make sense now! We are on the last season now so should be finished sometime January. We need another good show to watch afterward – any suggestions?
After Christmas I had the most awful stomach bug that kicked my tail. I felt too icky to concentrate on reading and couldn’t watch The Office alone so I stumbled upon a new show that rocked my world! If I admit to watching all of Season 1 in just a few days promise not to think too badly of me?!? What’s the show? Oh yeah, that would help, right? Traveler’s – a show exclusively on Netflix. It. Is. Amazing.
Looking forward to January and . . .
A new year. I won’t lament 2016 or talk about how awful it was. This year has got to be better. It simply must.
I’m almost ready for a new dog. Last June my darling Obie had to be put down, and though I’m still grieving, it’s almost time to add a new member to the family. My first love is big dogs – Obie was a standard poodle. AND, I love the poodle intelligence. But, traveling back and forth between Arizona and Georgia is not conducive to a large dog. We would love suggestions on a good travel companion or tips on traveling with a dog if you’ve got some!
Wishing you a most wonderful 2017 and a January filled with love and light.