October 9, 2013, admin, Books, Christmas, Reviews, , 5
Book Review of Dear Snowman by Kathryn White
The Little A’s were recently sent a beautiful new book to review from Little Tiger Press – Dear Snowman, written by Kathryn White and illustrated by Alison Edgson.
Little Rabbit and Snowman are the very best of friends. But when winter fades, Snowman is nowhere to be found. Wherever can he be? Soon a postcard arrives for Little Rabbit. It’s from Snowman – and he’s travelling the world!
As well as the story, with the book comes six postcards and lots of stickers so children can send messages to their friends and family, just like Snowman.
What did we think?
As soon as I saw this book I fell in love with it. We have some lovely books that we put away for reading at Christmas and this will be joining them! Not only is the story great, the illustrations are beautiful too.
I really like the added element of the postcards. They are definitely something I will be doing with Little Mr A when we get the book out again near to Christmas.
The book is also hardback so very hard wearing and I always think makes a nice gift. This book would make a lovely gift for any child at Christmas.
The book says for children 3+ and I think for the story this is the right age although younger children who enjoy books would enjoy the story too.
We love this book and I know it will be treasured for many Christmases to come!
Disclaimer – For the purpose of this review we were sent the book free of charge. All opinions are honest and my own and all photographs were taken by me and are not to be used without my permission.