The holidays always give me an opportunity to remember Days Gone Bye. These are both good and bad memories of holidays in the past. The days when my Mother, my Father, and Brother were all still in my life.
Each year I handle these memories a little different. Some years I’m fine and I reflect on the good, say a prayer for them, and smile. Other years, like this year, hit me hard. I guess with all that is going on in my life currently, I really missed having them around, especially my Father since I had him in my life until my mid 30′s.
I thought I was ok on Christmas Day. The hubs and I had a nice dinner and sat back watching Christmas movies on tv. It was actually a nice day. When I woke up this morning, despite me still taking my Celexa, I was feeling a little blah. That’s when it hit me. I was missing my family more than I thought. So I sent my boss an email and text and took a vacation day.

Titan and I slept in a bit and have been lounging around all day, watching tv and spending some quality time. I said some prayers for my parents as well as my Brother and have come, once again, to terms with their absence. Reflecting on holidays past and reliving them in my heart. Unfortunately, life isn’t all we expect it to be but someone we must find the strength to continue with our own.
Sometimes, I just need to have that day or time alone to really sit back and reflect on Days Gone By.
Do you ever have those days when you really miss the past? If so, how do you handle it?