Politics Magazine

Dark Triad Traits and Game

Posted on the 25 April 2015 by Calvinthedog

Tulio writes:

I’m not sure if he’s a textbook sociopath but he has posted that he has strong elements of the “dark triad” traits. According to Wikipedia: The dark triad is a group of three personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. I really think dark triad traits get men laid. If you don’t have those, you better have a lot of money or be stunningly handsome.

It sounds like he got laid before moving to E. Europe. From my time reading him, it seems his living there has more to do with finding the women more beautiful and traditionally feminine than American women.Though he took a trip to Canada not too long ago and airballed there and did in Turkey as well. One thing I do like is that his writing is very straight-forward in style while being insightful.

Dark triad traits are bad. Men who have them are generally bad people. Hell, women who have them are bad people. Have you been around many guys who have Dark Triad traits? I am not sure if you want to. I have known many guys like that in my life, and almost all of them were awful people and it was not fun to be friends with them. Women with Dark Triad traits are nightmarish.

I doubt if you need that stuff to get laid. I say I am not Dark Triad, but maybe I am? Women and girls have been saying I am a “bad boy” since I was a teenager. I think on my deathbed, I will be an 85 year old bad boy. Are bad boys Dark Triad types?

Also most of my ex-girlfriends hate me apparently. A recent girlfriend said I was “the worst man on Earth” as she was dumping me. Another girlfriend said I lacked empathy.

I don’t agree with either of those assessments, but the worst man on Earth one just makes me laugh. I suppose I would brag about that. The lack of empathy charge is more worrying, and I doubt if it is true.

I think of seduction as more like chess, and I think of any women in my life as a “project.” That is usually before I have had sex with her. Even after she is my girlfriend, she is still a bit of a project as it takes a lot of brains, work and strategic thinking to keep a relationship on the up and up. You really need to “game” any relationship with a woman. Think about everything you say and do. You say and do the wrong things, and you can turn a fun relationship into a nightmare right quick. Women are sensitive creatures. You can’t just rip loose around them and say and do whatever you want to.

I have been doing this Game thing so long that I pretty much have “natural Game” by this point I suppose. I do not even have to think about it a whole lot. It just comes naturally. On the other hand, I have been doing this a long time, and you tend to get better at things the longer you do them. Also when you have dated a lot of females, you start noticing similarities in the way that they act. And if you have been in a lot of relationships, you start noticing similarities with past relationships, so I can sort of figure out what is going on a lot of the time.

I still think of women as “chess” though. And I think if you don’t, you are in for some trouble or at least hard times.

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