Hair & Beauty Magazine

Daniel Sandler Water Colour Blush in Icing

By Natalieroseanne @clutzyprincess
Hey guys, sorry I've been absent again for a few days. I've been giving myself some time to just chill and read, without worrying too much about anything else. However, with that said I have missed blogging so much and I have so many products ready to review! Today I have a Daniel Sandler Water Colour Blush, from, to review for you.The shade that I picked is called Icing, it is a very light shimmery pink colour.

Picture of Daniel Sandler Water Colour Blush in Icing, Light Pink HighlighterPicture of a Swatch of Daniel Sandler Water Colour Blush in Icing Picture of Daniel Sandler Water Colour Blush in Icing HighlighterDaniel Sandler Water Colour Blush in Icing SwatchI have always been so impressed with the quality of Daniel Sandler's products, and have loved every thing that I've tried, and so I was really excited to try one of his Water Colour Blush. Being a pale girl, I picked a light pink to give me more of a natural glow to my cheeks without being over powering, and I later found that Icing is actually a highlighter. With it being called Icing I did expect it to shimmery, and wasn't disappointed.You only need a little amount of the product to give you a subtle glow. It is a water based product and so it is perfect for blending in and it lasts all day. I love just the natural sheen it gives to the areas I wish to highlight, without it being overpowering. I find myself reaching for it for a more subtle natural make up look, however it is a buildable highlight so you can add more color if you so wish.An interesting feature, that Daniel Sandler mentions in a video on the hairtrade website, is that you can use it as a based for eye shadow and lip products. I haven't actually tried this but I will be and I will keep you updated!The only niggle that I have is that I, personally, find it hard to control the amount that that I use. With that said, with practice I have gotten better ;).You can pick this up at for £14.49*. I definitely am going to try some of the blush shades, because they are so easy to work with!Have you guys tried any?Natalie Roseanne <3

*pr sample

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