Food & Drink Magazine

Dance Like No One Is Watching

By Shalinidigvijay @shalinidigvijay
To Dance is to be out of yourself.
                     Larger, MORE beautiful, MOR powerful.
                                                               Agnes De Mille
When you dance,you let go ,you let go of the inhibitions that bind and gag you.
At least that's what they do to me. I've never felt that greedy to dance with abandon. Maybe, I need to dance in the body I have. Not in the body of someone more flexible or acrobatic or natural.
After all dance is the human body's response to music.
And I am no one to judge it.
But as I go through The Dance Bible I realize that I have a loose connection with dance. I need to recce and correct the lapse. I want to dance with the same fluency of those who who dance in reckless abandon.
PS did you even know that dance is a science? Why else would dance be used as a therapy? I knew about music being therapeutic,but now that I realize it and go through the Dance Anatomy page on the website ,I realize what an exact science this must be. After all endorphins and burnt calories are the best therapy you can ever get.
Dance Like No One Is watching
Did you even know there are so many dance forms that people excel in?
Dance Like No One Is watchingAnd I want to be able to learn at least one.And the entire roll of dance schools in your vicinity are listed. So if you are interested, browse through the many dance forms listed and then check out the dance schools near your place of residence or even work. I'm sure it's not difficult to carry a pair of leotards and then fit in a dance class in your lunch break.All I had ever heard off was the few well known ones like Shaimak Davar and Terence Lewis and Danceworks. But you are going to be spoilt for choice. They are not giving you a reason to say that you didn't learn how to dabble in dance because a dance school was too far away.If it is indeed too far away, there are dance audio and dance videos to guide you.There's more on The Dance Bible. Read about the inspiring stories of dancers and their struggles in their biographies and diaries.And also connect with the experts to ask any question that you have about dance in the Dance Forum.
I spent a good hour just perusing through the website and I am now about to creat a dance portfolio.I'm going to allow more than my fingers the freedom to dance.And like me...
You've got to DANCE like no one is watching...

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