Lifestyle Magazine

Dainty Rose Headband

By Invisiblestilettos
Good day my dearies! It's time for another DIY!  Today, we'll be making another project that reminds of the spring time.  Though we don't have spring in our country, I definitely love, love, love, did I say love (?) flowers, especially roses :) This headband would be perfect for spring-themed weddings and of course prom or your can wear it just for fun.   Hope you love our DIY for today!Rose Headband
Gather your materials and let's get started:
1. A headband
2.  Scissors
3.  Glue gun + glue stick
4.  Premade paper flowers (You can buy this at crafts shops or fabric stores.  Some stores with scrap booking sections may also have this.)
Rose Headband
Step one will be removing the stems of your roses.  I love how delicate the roses looks.  There are many colors available  but I chose white to match almost anything in the closet.  You can use scissors or wire cutters to cut the stems.Rose HeadbandMake sure you have got enough roses to fill your headband later.  The amount of roses you will need will depend on the thickness of your headband.  The thicker the headband, the more rows or roses you will need.  I got a thin headband, so mine would only be a single row.Rose HeadbandGet your glue gun ready then attach the cut rose heads with the melted glue on your headband.  Press down gently but firmly to keep it in place until the glue dries.  Fill the hole headband with your cut rose heads.Rose HeadbandThis is my finished product.  A simple but pretty headband you can do in just minutes.Rose HeadbandHope you love it :) Thanks for reading!
Til our next project!

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