So I know I've been totally MIA (what's new right!) but this time I've a REALLY good reason for it!
Not only was I not in the country, was preparing for a job interviewing etc,
*cue fireworks!*
Haha. Okay, so that's a super lousy reason to be missing from the blogosphere but I've just been caught up with life outside the internet!
I am delirious with joy, of course. :D I am unbelievably blessed to be marrying my lover and best friend and more importantly, we love so intensely because Christ first loved us. I wouldn't say our dating history has been 100% smooth sailing but we definitely have it much easier because both of us are very similar in the sense that we are both highly optimistic people. So when a problem crops up, we just go like "Yeeeeaaahhh. Okay, the milk has been spilled. Now who wants to put on some music and clean it up!" It also helps that we both acknowledge our total nothingness without Christ. So when problems crop up or life gets too difficult to handle, we just need to encourage each other to turn our eyes back on Jesus and the problem diminishes in the greatness of God. I've read so many articles circulating on FB recently on couples needing the ability to suffer together or the traits needed to stay together and I'm thankful this is one area we see eye to eye on.
Anyway! Enough of the talk! I thought I'd share with you a little about the proposal!
D brought me to Sister's Island. At first I was horrified because I heard there were loads of sandflies there and I didn't want to be bitten and scarred (FOR LIFE! *Drama queen level 2000) But it turned out that Sister's island is GORGEOUS and so pristine and unsullied! I didn't know he was going to propose of course, so I just wore an oversized T-shirt and leggings. All our photos were taken with just the timer on the camera and a tripod! We took almost a hundred photos because the place was just really pretty. Here are a few to share! :D

So basically we went round the island (we were the only two there!) taking silly photos like that and exploring the place. It's not very big! We also dapao-ed pitas from Pita Pan for teabreak. There are no facilities on the island save for a toilet so bring your own food if you want to go!

This is one of the failed shots. I didn't have time to climb up on the tree trunk before the light started flashing! Haha.
And as dusk drew nearer, D brought me to the breakwaters and popped the question! I said yes of course and we took a million shots with the setting sun. Haha

On hindsight now, I feel that D must have proposed on that ulu island because if I said no, he would just leave me in the dark on the island (no lights after 7pm) and just take the chartered boat back by himself! Hahah, just kidding. But yes, an island with bugs and creepy crawlies and monkeys (that stole our food! But more on that another time!), with pristine white sand and gently lapping waves is just a perfect place to propose to me. I would have been horrified if he did it at a hotel with all the trimmings. Also I was a bit disappointed he proposed with a diamond ring! Haha. I told him many times that I didn't want a ring, I want a vitamix blender! But he said that can wait till we move to our new place- so okay! :D ( I don't know about you but I think rings are so.. overrated. I'm killing the romance quotient this entry was supposed to have right? Haha)
So now life has been quite a whirlwind in planning guest lists and visiting hotels. I'm more excited about the marriage than the wedding but I understand that weddings are a perfect chance to work together with your soon- to- be spouse and really learn about each other. Much as I would like to skip the whole wedding thing entirely, I'm going into it remembering that it's a celebration of love and happiness, of two families coming together and being one and things like that should always be undertaken with good cheer and joy :D It's really telling of how far I've come when after D proposed, my first thought wasn't 'oh crap, I have to diet to fit into my wedding dress' but 'YAY!! We are going to spend the rest of our lives together!'. I can honestly and sincerely say that should the wedding take place tmr, I'm fine with walking down the aisle as I am right now and in choosing my dress, the dress would be made to fit me and not the other way around. And if you are a bride to- be as well DYING to fit into your xxxxs dress, just remember that your man proposed to you then, as you were. Don't undermine that by abusing yourself :) The best thing you can do for people who love you is to love yourself as well!
Alright that's all for me right now! I suppose now with wedding plans in motion, the kind of lunch/ mealplans you'll be seeing from me will all the the cheapo/ save money kind. HAHA! They will still be healthy, don't worry! Just more uhm.. pocket friendly! :D
If you have any advice or anything at all, PLEASE PLEASE leave a comment below because at the rate things are going, I DEFINITELY need a lot of help! :D And for other brides-to-be as well, I'll be charting my journey to the wedding so please feel free to leave me advice or tell me where I'm going wrong! As for now, I haven't done anything except emailed a couple of hotels. HAHA.
Be well and loved everyone!
With all my love,