Fashion Magazine

Currently Trending: Chunky Knit Sweaters

By Popcornandpandas @popcornpandas
Currently Trending: Chunky Knit Sweaters In this freezing cold weather, it’s time to bundle up.  Keep warm with one of these adorable chunky knit sweaters this winter.  Which one is your fav?1.  Heart Sweater :  River Island2.  Mustard Sweater:  Romwe3.  Gray Cape:  Rachel Comey via La Garconne4.  Peter Pan Collar Mint:  New Look5.  Navy Love Sweater:  Dorothy Perkins6.  Snowflake Sweater:  House of Fraser7.  Anchor Sweater:  Wallis8.  Kitty Cat Sweater:  Wallis9.  Green Cable Sweater:  Romwe_________________________________________________________________________________Home sick for the third day in a row.  Starting to get a little stir crazy up in here.  Hoping to get out of the house tomorrow since we are supposed to see our next Oscar Nominated film set.  I have to make a choice between Life of Pi and Zero Dark Thirty.  Any thoughts?Have a great day all.XO,Gina

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