I love these types of posts, I love to share hot tips and love to share parts of my life.

Here is my list....
- Listening - Slightly embarrassed to say I am loving, Thats what makes you beautiful by One Direction
- Eating - Healthy, well trying I am currently calorie counting, its working I have lost half a inch off my waist already.
- Drinking - Coffee and many cups of tea, and a few cheeky Sav Blacs.
- Wearing - My new Vintage faux fur jacket, its divine
- Feeling - HAPPY, its less than 3 weeks till we move back to Australia
- Weather - FREEZING, Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr so cold in Auckland
- Wanting - To be home already, I actually want to be employed again.
- Needing - A new job, we move home soon and I will be looking on SEEK again.
- Thinking - How blessed I am....
- Enjoying - Some free time, lots of walking and the love of my fiance