Cucumber melon is so much more than a Bath & Body Works scent.

It’s a way of life, a flat stomach kind of life. I think that melons are an extremely underrated food… why isn’t there readily available melon juice? Both of these fruits are hydrating, and refreshing. Here’s how to make a gorgeous cucumber melon salad.

You’ll need a half cup of diced cucumbers (remove the seeds), and one cup of diced melon.

Mix the diced cucs + mellies in a bowl. Add 1 teaspoon if honey, and 1/4 teaspoon of lemon pepper. If you’re not into lemon pepper, squeeze a lime wedge over the salad instead. Toss that salad.

Serve the salad over a bed of low-fat cottage cheese, or greek yogurt. If you want to make the plates look fancy, add a drizzle of honey. This salad is sweet, refreshing, tangy, and crunchy. J’adore the textures and flavors. When served correctly, this salad is beautiful.
Be cooler than a cucumber.