Fashion Magazine

Crush Of The Day: Mona Siag Evil Eye Bracelets

By Rasha M. @my_vitrina
Crush Of The Day: Mona Siag Evil Eye Bracelets

Why not stay on trend and ward off envious eyes and bad vibes with Mona Siag's evil eye bracelets? I can't promise that these talismanic bangles will give you extra luck, but they will certainly give you extra fashion credentials.You can stack them with many wrist candies for a layered look or even wear them on their own.The possibilities are just endless.

Crush Of The Day: Mona Siag Evil Eye Bracelets

Crush Of The Day: Mona Siag Evil Eye Bracelets

Crush Of The Day: Mona Siag Evil Eye Bracelets

Crush Of The Day: Mona Siag Evil Eye Bracelets

Crush Of The Day: Mona Siag Evil Eye Bracelets
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*Photo: Courtesy of Mona Siag

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