BIO: Born and raised in Southwest Oklahoma, John Mullins graduated from High School at 17 and was in the U.S. Army the next day. In short order he was trained as an Infantryman, and then joined the 101 st Airborne Division, where he became a paratrooper.
He then volunteered for a little-known (at that time) outfit called Special Forces, was trained as a medic, then joined an "A" Team and was deployed with that team to a fighting camp in the Republic of South Vietnam. After his return to the U.S. he went to French Language School, then Officer Candidate School, after which he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant. Subsequently he went to Ranger School and was then reassigned to Special Forces, returning to Vietnam with another "A" Team. During a battle in the Central Highlands he was recommended for and received a Silver Star for valor and a Purple Heart for wounds.
Back in the U.S. he was assigned to the U.S. Army Infantry School as the original instructor for a system of reactive shooting techniques. In 1968 he volunteered to return to Vietnam and served a tour with Studies and Observations Group (SOG), at one and the same time the most classified and most hazardous unit ever to serve in that war. During this tour he received his second Silver Star for valor. He then extended his tour to be the only U.S. serviceperson in the much-maligned but highly effective Phoenix Program, neutralizing the Viet Cong infrastructure in the top two provinces in South Vietnam.
For the next ten years he served as a Special Forces officer in Europe and the U.S., participating in training and operational assignments in Europe, the Middle East, Central and South America, and Asia.
After retirement from the military he worked, sometimes as an employee, other times as a contractor, for a variety of U.S. Government agencies. Some of the highlights of that period include:
Training a special battalion of the Saudi Arabian National Guard. This battalion later distinguished itself in the Battle of Khafji during the first gulf war.
Providing protection for judges in Colombia during the height of cartel violence as a part of the U.S. Department of Justice' International Criminal Training and Assistance Program.
Trained aviation security personnel from 83 countries as a part of the U.S. Department of State's AntiTerrorism Assistance Program.
Providing Threat Assessments and Vulnerability Analysis to airports in Uzbekistan, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Mali, Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize, and General Aviation Airports throughout the United States.
Ran Personal Protection teams for High-Risk individuals and families in the U.S. and abroad.
Trained Police Officers in Advanced Tactical Techniques.
Invented and patented a Non-Toxic Frangible ammunition now being used by police agencies throughout the U.S.
Still serve as a consultant to the firearms and ammunition industry, including a major Swiss-based multinational company.
Still on-call for security operations.
Recently re-wrote and modernized the Aviation Security Plans for the Republic of Ghana.
LISTEN: Link Goes Live Saturday 12-19-15 and 10 a.m. Pacific
S&S Men of Valor Series by John F. Mullins: http://www.simonandschuster.biz/series/Men-of-Valor#sthash.FtLgCtyV.dpuf
John's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/John-F-Mullins-140776742772500/timeline/
John's Amazon Page: http://www.amazon.com/John-F.-Mullins/e/B001H6Q9HO