Family Magazine

Crew–our Birth Story

By Saltykisses @svprili

Like all mums that have been on this ferris wheel ride before,l I had made a rather detailed birth plan. I was to go into labor naturally and refuse all drugs including an epidural. I wanted this bub to have the best start in life as possible and give myself the quickest recovery and best chance at successful breastfeeding. Well lets just toss that rule book right out the window. It also helps if you give the doctor your birth plan to start off with.

I was 38 weeks pregnant and had some GI tract issues I wanted to talk over with the doc also there was a lot less movement going on since it all started. I got a non stress test (which the machine broke) then an ultrasound to figure out the baby’s movements. The bub didn’t show any signs of good movement so I was sent home with a 24 hour kick count record. I guess we failed at that too so the next day I was sent to the Doctors Hospital for another non stress test, in which we also failed. The doc convinced me that maybe the babe would be happier out rather than in and that we would induce the next day. It wasn’t in the cards but I needed to do what was best for the baby. Luckily my mom had flown into town from Australian the day before so we were all set to go ahead. I’d never been induced before and I can honestly say that I will NEVER go through that again. I was induced with cytotec, google it you’ll find it’s used for ulcers and to induce miscarriages. But my doc assured me it was safe and that’s how they do things here. I said ok as long as she gave me a small dose to see how my body would react. We got induced at 11:30am.



It was only us at the birthing center, they haven’t delivered a baby there for at least 6 months due to all the locals wanting to go the the hospitals. We were more than happy to have the place to ourselves. We had a OB/GYN, midwife and surgical nurse that stayed there from start to finish.


You need to bring everything in the Bahamas. Baby clothes, blankets etc. We did it in style with our sail bags.


I had to stay in bed for an hour while the meds worked then we got up and started checking everything out. Very 70s! Just like everything else in the Bahamas we were surrounded by items passed their used by dates. Got to watch yourselves here.


We then fought with the surgical nurse to allow us outside to walk around the building to try and get things started. She said how dangerous it is outside especially in my state. We were just walking around the building, not the local bar. This is me with the neighbours onions. It’s funny what you take interest in when you walk the same route 20 times.


My mum, Pierre and Bambi came to visit with the girls. We were happy for the company to break up the laps.


I was 2cm all afternoon so they put me on Pitocin to help speed things up. I thought well I’ve already had one intervention and now that I’m here I have to continue on or be in labor for days. The pitocin picked things up a little but not too much. I was 1cm at 11:30am and barely reached 3cm 12 hours later. I wasn’t in a lot of pain just uncomfortable and starting to get really tired, typically I’m in bed by 9pm not midnight. I then agreed to have my water broken, this also wasn’t in the plan but at least I thought that it didn’t involve drugs. Holy hell did it hurt and I went from 3cm to 10 cm in under 2 hours. Worst pain EVER. I fought again with the nurses to let me walk around and labor in the shower. I was glad to have Carl with me and  that he had my back and was willing deck the nurses and deliver the baby himself if I didn’t get my way. You rock babe!


This was a birthing clinic and I was starting to regret my decision of a natural birth. If I was at the hospital I think I would have raised my hand already “epidural please”. But alas we didn’t have the option and I know now that I was better off for it, just not then. After the worst 2 hours of my life, and 2 pushes. Little Crew was born. He’s the light weight of the family weighing in at 8.8lbs. I got to hold him straight away all goowy and slimy.


Right after this the power went out and Carl was running around with a flashlight trying to fix the problem. I was getting worried because the heat lights went out over him and he was getting cold. Bahamas!!!


A job well done team!


I love that the Bahamas has a no bottle policy and that the Pediatrician after examining him put him naked on me for skin to skin contact. In the US at this time they hand you a sterile baby that has been so poked and prodded that they don’t know if you’re the janitor or the mom.


Above is my OBY/GYN Dr. Hall Watson. She’s super nice with a great sense of humor.

All went well, Carl tossed a rug on the floor and drifted off to sleep around 3am. The bubba wouldn’t settle for me or feed so I was awake the whole time and by the time the sun came up we had decided to call the Pediatrician back. Little Crew was refusing to latch and kept spitting up clear fluid. The baby hadn’t fed for over 7 hours and the Pediatrician said that he has lots of fluid in his lungs and is more interested in trying to get it up than feed. An ambulance was called and he was taken away to the Princess Margaret NICU. I was discharged with the baby but needed to wait from my RH- shot before I could leave. Carl went with Crew to the Hospital and got him all booked in. $600 deposit or he wasn’t allowed to see him, the Bahamians do love their money  up front.


So I’m writing this alone on our boat. My mom has taken the girls off so I can get some rest. Carl is off buying some formula (just in case I have milk issues) and a cell phone so the hospital can call us. All alone with no baby. I’m have some heavy bleeding and am pretty much stuck on the couch with towels around me. Visiting hours are from 10am to 8pm and you cant see him for 3 hours during the day when the nurses change shift and Carl said he has to sit in the hall and they won’t let him in to touch him. I’m better off on the boat recovering and working on my milk. We’ll head over there tomorrow morning to see him. He’ll have to be there for 24 to 48 hours. It’s crazy how empty we feel without the baby being home. Did we have a baby or was it all just a dream.? We’re both in a haze and I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have such a great husband for support. Carl is the best birth partner ever. He was there every step of the way with wash cloths, massages and pressure points. Its really hard on dads to see their wives in pain, I think it’s the only times in his life that Carl has felt truly helpless and I commend him on his strength.

Crew is the final addition to our family but would I recommend to other mums to get induced? No. Maybe if he came when he was ready he wouldn't have fluid in his lungs and my labor wouldn’t have been so long. Maybe my milk would have come in better to give him the boost he needed. Mother nature is the best medicine. Believe in her and your body and you’ll give your child the best start in life.

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