Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Creating Magical Environments & Seasonal Celebrations ~ Please Join Me on Monday Evening for a Cozy "Fireside Chat"!

By Bethschreibmangehring



I have been so honored that many of you have been asking me to set up a chat session so that you can get some tips and tricks for setting your tables or planning  your Thanksgiving meal!   In response to those requests I've set up a virtual "Fireside Chat" so that we can do just that!

I'll be hosting it on Monday evening at 7:00 pm until 8:00 pm (ET)and if you'd like to participate please let me know by emailing me at and I'll send you all of the information that you'll need. If you're interested please respond as soon as you can because space is limited, but don't worry, if there is enough request I will quickly set up another one! There is absolutely no charge to participate!

Please know that I'm really looking forward to meeting you!

We'll have fun so bring a cup of your favorite tea , your softest blanket and all of your questions!

All the best,

Beth Schreibman Gehring

The Windesphere Witch


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