Food & Drink Magazine

Creamy Tomato Soup for Blogger CLUE

By Kalamitykelli @venuscorpiogirl
Creamy Tomato Soup

Tomato Soup

It’s that time again – Blogger CLUE is here and this month, I was given Kate’s Kitchen as the blog and the theme was fall fruit.

Blogger CLUE

Well, I took that to mean any fall fruit and I chose tomato – tomato soup to be exact.  Kate is a financial planner who is married to man name Connie and his three children and now they have grandchildren – all these things we have in common although Mr. Picky Eater is the finance man and not me.  Kate and Connie are Colts and Red Sox fans as well as being very well traveled and civic minded.  They just moved into a new home and in general seem to be living a lovely life in Indiana. I knew most people would be making apple, pear and persimmon recipes and Kate has many of those recipes but I had something else in mind – mostly because I was being a bit selfish! Tomatoes are considered a fruit and I love fall tomatoes.  They taste better to me than early summer ones.  I suppose it is because their flavor is so concentrated but whatever the reason, I love them.

Creamy Tomato Soup

Tomato Soup

This year has been a horrible growing season because it rained far too much and then continued to rain stressing the plants and causing most of the tomatoes to split.  Saturday at the Farmer’s Market we found these two lovely ladies who had larger cherry tomatoes and my very favorite yellow tomatoes.  Since they looked and smelled spectacular so we purchased them.  I paid a fortune for them but still, I really wanted to have one nice tomato sandwich this year and so far, hadn’t had any good enough.  Luckily the Farmer’s Market ladies had a big box full of yellow tomatoes.  Mom is still convalescing so we had several of our favorite versions of the tomato sandwich and put them on some salads as well.  With what was left, I made Pat King’s Tomato Soup.  I loved reading the post because it recalled the day she met Liz from That Skinny Can Bake and Christiane from Taking on Magazines.  There weren’t a lot of directions so I winged it and made it my own.  You can find the original Chunky Tomato Soup recipe here.


3 lbs of fall tomatoes

4 cloves garlic

5 baby carrots

2 stalks celery

1 smallish onion

2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

2   14 oz. cans of chicken broth

1 Cup Heavy Cream

1 Tablespoon each dried parsley and oregano

Salt & Pepper to taste


Wash and quarter the tomatoes, put into a big pot and cover bottom of pot with water – simmer the tomatoes until they are tender, about 15 minutes.

Creamy Tomato Soup

Tomato Soup

Send tomatoes and juice through the food mill which will catch all the seeds and peels – this is a very smooth creamy tomato soup.

Creamy Tomato Soup

Tomato Soup

Roughly chop the carrots, celery, onion and garlic then process through the food processor.

Put olive oil into a big Dutch oven and heat then add the finely processed veggies until soft then add in the milled tomatoes as well as the chicken broth, oregano, parsley, salt and pepper.

Simmer for a few hours and then when you turn the burner off, stir in a cup of heavy cream.

Kate said it was best served the next day so that’s just what we did – and it was delicious!

I hope you will take a moment to check out all the great recipes this month from blogger CLUE – I can’t wait to see who got me and what recipe they made!

creamy tomato soup

Tomato Soup

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