I have a confession to make: I am a writer, and I haven't felt like writing much in the last three months or so.
I also find that I am not very consistent.
There are times when my head and thoughts are so jumbled, I can't even think straight.
I have a fear of passing a test that I know will.make me successful.
I fear successful opportunities.
This is what's here, right now.
I know it makes sense not to even dwell on these kinds of things, but I do.
I guess that makes me imperfect.
Am I ok with that? No, I'm not.
Sometimes I wish I didnt have a call towards things that are so freaken hard to do. ( That's another confession.)
It demands my attention and the all is like babies that scream all the time... You don't find them great company.
On the other hand , I love people and I love motivating them.
I also love the adrenalin rush I get from a good read of something I wrote.
I love seeing my work in print and hearing others say: "This is just what I needed today, thank you."
I also love working on teams. Teams of people with like once and like purpose.
People who were once where I was; but. Ow I can not get them to" be more, do more see more.."
So... even though I get overwhelmed , stagnant and discouraged, somefimes, I still tend to seek out the good. I maintain that I will keep going.
Despite myself.
I took this picture below because I went a step further.
I opened my eyes, was sleepy as all get out, saw those rays out my window, and (decided as tired as I was), I was gonna watch this sunrise. and better yet capture it.
Because it made me happy to catch sunrises.
I decided then, that I would "press in" often and contintually make me happy, despite myself.
Because "stepping up" makes things epic as all get out, you know what I mean?
So why stop reaching for the stars?
Eventually I'll catch one.
As big enough as the sunrise I'm chasing.
Thanks for listening to my imperfect rants.