Health Magazine

Cottage Cheese Pancakes Recipe

Posted on the 31 March 2016 by Dave Nevue

Did you know you could make pancakes out of cottage cheese? Making healthy pancakes has been a trend for quite some time now, banana pancakes for example. I make them quite often, but since I wanted to try something new I decided to make pancakes using cottage cheese instead of bananas. Now, this is a real protein bomb so it's a perfect in-between meal after lifting weights. But it's also a tasty and still healthy option if you fancy something extra, just add some berries, fruit, something sweet, and you will satisfy that sweet tooth of yours : ) It's low carb, high in protein and gluten-free! Ps my kids loved these pancakes. They ate them with raspberry jam...

As usual, it's super simple to make!

You'll need (recipe for two)

2 eggs

250 gram cottage cheese

1 tablespoon of psyllium seed husks (often used in gluten-free baking)

  1. Use a blender to mix all three ingredients.
  2. Fry in butter/oil in a pan on medium heath, fry slowly and turn the pancakes when they seem stable enough.
  3. Serve with something healthy sweet, fruit or berries for example, maybe some whipped cream if you want to add some extra fat.
  4. Enjoy!
Cottage Cheese Pancakes Recipe
Cottage Cheese Pancakes Recipe

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