Creativity Magazine

Corycat Feels Unappreciated

By Vickilane
Corycat Feels UnappreciatedAfter days of rain and gloom, we had a beautiful morning. All of nature seemed to be calling me to go out and kill something. So I left by my private door (a loose screen that no one seems to notice.)
Corycat Feels Unappreciated
My efforts were rewarded with a fine chipmunk. Thinking to cheer up The Woman (she doesn't seem to have much of a life beyond attending to our litter box and food,) rather than consume the tasty morsel, I brought it in to share with her and put it on the rug by her bed.
                                        Corycat Feels Unappreciated
What a nice surprise for her, I thought. I wonder if she'll eat it right away or play with it first.
Corycat Feels Unappreciated
An artful presentation, I thought, sure to please.

So what happens? The Woman is putting away laundry and almost steps on my gift. Is she thrilled? Does she thank me?She does not. She makes a funny noise and picks up my lovely offering by the tail and goes outside with it. She doesn't even bat it around a bit. When she returns, it is without my chipmunk.If she didn't want it, at least she could have left it for me. I could have put it in my secret place in her workroom (a basket where there is lots of fabric) and saved it for later.Disappointed!

Corycat Feels Unappreciated

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