Found on Facebook.
#whitelivesmatter so I just joined this musician meetup.com group a few weeks back here in NYC. Some Asian guy , a member of the group, started sending out random bizarre multiple emails on the listserv saying he was going to “sing songs uniting the Minorities of America- the Blacks, the Latinos, the Asians”, and “we are all Americans”, etc. Totally random, totally meant to “make whites feel uncomfortable”. Granted, he’s clearly mentally ill, but yet another cultural/social event here ruined by racial conflict. That’s another day here in NYC. Events that have absolutely nothing to do with Race get turned into cultural battle-fields. And isn’t the Diversity here SOOOOO GREAT… more like UNPLEASANT and completely exhausting. INESCAPABLE…
granted most of the folks using this hashtag will be the scum of the Earth (White nationalists, White “advocates”, “racially aware” Whites, ad nauseum, but I’m about to join them anyway. It’s getting to the point where you have to pick which side you’re on. It’s either the Abolish the White Race crowd or the #whitelivesmatter crowd. The first hate me and my people and want us gone, hence they are my enemies de facto.
The others are basically Nazis, but Nazis love me and my people (as long as your name’s not Zimmerman) even though they’re the biggest assholes on Earth. On the other hand, lightning and bees are far more dangerous than Nazis and their fellow travelers.
Anyway, moderate Nazism is catching on. It’s groovy now. It’s a happening, cats!
A moderate Nazi is about to win the Republican nomination!
I hate Nazis, but they’re better than the alternative.
The barricades are being laid down, the lines are being drawn. Everybody’s shouting, “Which side are you on?”
It’s a war folks. The Good Samaritan is laughing. He’s getting ready for the show.
Pick sides or go pragmatic neutral, but there ain’t no sitting this one out.