Computing Magazine
Paperblog Editor's Pick
Online Dating According to Astrophysicists
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. We’ve all head it before. This great infographic shows the statistical breakdown between finding a suitable partner... Read more
The 14 January 2014 by Eavesy
Effective Twitter Tips for 2014
Social Media is growing; to celebrate the New Year. There are various ways to promote your blog through it. Social Media marketers interpret that Twitter’s use... Read more
The 14 January 2014 by Siraj Wahid
Protecting Your Business When ‘Doing’ Digital
‘Doing Digital’ The advances in digital technologies are heralding an exciting time for businesses, as customers become more connected and... Read more
The 13 January 2014 by Discerningdigital
Facebook to Start Selling Our Data to U.S TV Channels
In order to compete with Twitter, Facebook announced that it would start sending shared data on its platform to some U.S. television channels. Read more
The 30 September 2013 by Hadi20
Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 RTM Released
Microsoft had planned to release the Windows 8.1 directly to users and after the preview the RTM was cancelled. But after a lot of criticism from developers,... Read more
The 10 September 2013 by Tftb
Get Tables And Columns Details In Schema Using JDBC
This is a sample program written using java and JDBC API , to print all the tables in a database schema . It also prints columns available in the particular... Read more
The 05 September 2013 by Abhishek Somani
What's Really Going on Between Google and Nestlé?
The 04 September 2013 by Hadi20
How GOOGLE Plans to Take Over Your World
Google may not have unveiled any new gadgets at this year’s I/O, but what the Big G did announce was more revealing: a bid to become the nexus of your... Read more
The 02 September 2013 by Naveedkhan
Java Program to Convert Location in Latitude Longitude
Converting an address in to latitude and longitude (and vice versa ) is very easy using Google's GeoCoding API. GeoCoding is the process to convert a simple... Read more
The 05 August 2013 by Abhishek Somani
Chat Application Using Java Part - 1
This tutorial is about creating a chat application using java RMI , Socket connection and java swing .This is the first part of this two part tutorial series . Read more
The 01 August 2013 by Abhishek Somani