Health Magazine

Compensating for Eating Unhealthy by Running Intervals

Posted on the 28 March 2016 by Dave Nevue

I hope you all had a lovely time celebrating Easter! This is a post about trying to compensate for unhealthy eating by running intervals.

We are back home after spending a couple of days at my parents' house. It's lovely to be pampered by my mother, she takes care of the kids, cooks all the food and lets us sleep in the mornings while she is up with our kids who always, always wake up before 6 am...Believe me, we really need it. But it's also nice to be home. One amazing thing that happened these days was that baby A, (he is almost 15 months now, can I still call him a baby??) stopped eating at night, yes you heard right, he still wants the bottle at least one time each night, but now he hasn't had it for four nights (perhaps that's what happens if you forget the bottles and the formula at home) !! It's really great news if he is done eating at night, since it messes up our sleep. He is such a hungry baby, he eats more than our three year old...

Ok, so spending Easter this year meant a lot of eating. I ate so much candy I can't hardly believe it, and my mothers's lovely cheese cake with strawberry sauce. But I also went running for at least two times, which is a great way to feel better when you know that you have been eating unhealthy for a couple of days. It's so easy to do, just bring your runners and you can do it wherever you are. I ran for about 30 minutes and finished off with some hill sprints. Such a great way to combine both cardio and strength on my lower body. I found this great article on, How and Why to Run Hill Sprint Intervals, about the benefits of performing hill or incline sprints instead of running intervals on flat ground. Read it and get inspired! But I also want to emphasize that you shouldn't run if you are still recovering from pregnancy. Among other things running can make diastasis recti worse and be harmful to your pelvic floor. Remember, I am more than one year postpartum and my post-pregnancy belly is fully recovered, I haven't been nursing since last summer so all pregnancy hormones are gone and I am fully capable of controlling my core and pelvic floor. So if you are still in rehabilitation phase after your pregnancy you should go for a power walk instead of running! Read more about the concerns on running after pregnancy:

Compensating for eating unhealthy by running intervals
Compensating for eating unhealthy by running intervals

//Nicole Hellgren

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