Politics Magazine

Comparative Man-Hatred Among 2nd and 3rd Wave Feminists

Posted on the 15 September 2018 by Calvinthedog

Actually I have been on 2nd wave feminist boards, and a lot of them are fairly attractive or ordinary looking women. You would think they could easily get a man. But most of them hate men so much that they either deliberately turned into lesbians, or they gave up on men and became cat ladies. A number of them say if there were any good man around they would date them, but they dated for years and they think “good man” is an oxymoron.

Many feminists who happen to be lesbians are lesbian feminists or “political lesbians.” They’re not even real lesbians of the biological type like we are used to. Instead they are just straight women who hate men so much that they turn into lesbians to give us the finger. I have heard that most political lesbians don’t even have sex though, which makes sense if they are really just straight women who are manhating retards instead of real lesbians.

If you go on Jezebel there are a lot of younger women who are 3rd wavers, who are more sensible than 2nd wavers. A lot of them are goodlooking, as goodlooking as any women out there or maybe even better looking. A lot of the younger feminists are hot for some reason. A lot like dressing sexy, wearing makeup and being feminine.

The 3rd wavers like men far more than 2nd wavers. 3rd wavers are pretty much straight women and most of them really like men. Even the manhaters like men. A lot. Which is part of the problem because some of them are manhaters but they also love men and the manhating drives the men away. They want the attention of men even when they complain about it. A lot of them love sex too and seem to be quite horny. Instead of hating men they seem to be saying that they hate a certain type of men, but they are less cynical than 2nd wavers as 3rd wavers think there are lots of good men out there, but maybe they are a bit hard to find.

A lot of them are single and they seem like they are hard-up for some reason. If you go on Jezebel and act like a normal man, about 5-10 of those 3rd wavers will jump on you and almost rape you in the comments thread.

3rd Wavers are manhaters too, but mostly they just have mixed feelings about men not too dissimilar from the feelings that nearly all straight women have towards us disgusting pigs, especially as they get older, and the man-hatred is toned down a lot from 2nd Wavers. 3rd Wavers are pro-porn and pro-prostitution, while 2nd Wavers, as Sex-Negative feminists, are anti-porn, anti-prostitution, anti-all sex worker, and lately even anti-sex doll.

These wailing hyenas don’t seem to understand that a lot of us men will get tired of having sex with our hand after a while. 2nd wavers are extreme Utopians. They wish to usher in some new feminist utopia in which gender, masculinity and femininity are abolished and molestation of girls and domestic violence, rape and murder of women by men has vanished off the face of the Earth. If there’s one case of this on Earth in a year, 2nd wavers will just up and down and yell for the next month. They literally will never be happy until the violence/abuse rate against women is down to zero, which of course is never going to happen. So 2nd wavers are pining for and insisting upon a world that not only will never exist but can never exist.

3rd wavers are also known to be sex-positive, while 2nd wavers are sex-negative feminists. 3rd wavers still scream misogyny a lot, but not nearly as much as 2nd wavers. They also don’t talk about patriarchy and rape culture as much as 2nd wavers, although they do discuss these things, one of which, rape culture, probably doesn’t even exist in the US.

However, they are all SJW’s on steroids. In fact, they are much worse SJW’s than 2nd wavers, who mostly confine their SJWism to screaming “Misogyny!” 500 times a day.

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