Family Magazine

Coming Full Circle

By Saltykisses @svprili

7319_127531851831_5557929_nIsn’t it funny that people always say that you’re going to marry your dad and become your mother, then you spend what seems like your whole life avoiding this scenario. The more the years go by I realize how true this really is and you know what, it’s not really a bad thing. You remember your parents as these evil beings that are solely put on this earth to ruin your life but now that I have little ones I understand their struggles. We struggle a lot these days with coming to terms that we’re starting to lose who we really are or were but maybe we are just transforming into different people – grown ups. We no longer have hobbies/ interests that we can delve into for hours at a time and our personal grooming cares have flown way out the window. But as long as we still love each other who cares about hairy legs right? Well maybe Carl does but he’s smart enough to stay quiet. Back to the point. I have turned into my mother and have married my father. I don’t really know much about the inner workings of my father but I do know that he loved/loves to sail and worked with his hands. He enjoys a simple life without materialistic things cluttering his life, much like Carl. As for my mum, she’s strong willed and if anyone tells her that she can’t do it she’ll turn around, punch you out, and prove you wrong 10 times over.


grew up in the typical family but when I was a toddler, much like my girls my mom and dad decided to take off for a few years and sail around the Pacific Islands. I don’t really remember much of this time but I know that it was that experience that has driven Carl and I to sell everything, buy a boat and escape the normal hum drum life. Hell I am my mothers child and if she can do it with 2 toddlers I can do it with 3!! I’ve always loved looking back at old pictures of me and my family living aboard Tardis and now it has so much more meaning. I don’t know if it was the highlight of their lives but I am thankful to my mom and dad that they opened my eyes to the possibilities in life and that you shouldn’t put your dreams on hold for your kids. Follow your dreams, it makes you a better person, lover and parent.


FYI I’m the youngest of 3.


Hope you enjoy my lovely old photos.

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