Environment Magazine

Come to the TWAC Maine Weekend

Posted on the 20 September 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal


Hello friends!

After sending out our call out for TWAC Maine, we have heard word that folks are coming from all over the place! We are real excited to host you all here in Maine, and we just want to make sure you all realize that our TWAC is only three days long, instead of the usual week that it has been up to date. Please don’t let this stop you from coming if you want to make the trip out to Maine, we just want to make sure that you don’t travel 500 miles to get here expecting a week long event, only to find two days of workshops and one day of action.

All that being said, our TWAC is going to be awesome!

Here is the list of workshops that we are close to confirming so far:

History is not History: The Continuing Colonization of Maine’s Indigenous Peoples

Building Alliances with Indigenous Peoples

Direct Action 101

Know your Rights/Legal

Elder Movement Storytelling

Building Resistance to Corporate Globalization through TPP Free Zones

Our action is shaping up, and we’re excited to add to the local organizing efforts which are happening in the North East region with the folks who come to camp.

We are going to have delicious food, warm fires, storytellings, and relationship building. So, come from where ever you want! We would love to have you! Just please know, and please spread the word, that TWAC Maine is a 3 day long event, not a whole week!

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