Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Come Learn What Mindfulness Can Do for You…

By Intuitivepsychology @DocIntuitive

bubble_colorcd79f8Curious about how to harness one of your most valuable tools…your own mind? Come take your lunch hour to join us on this dynamic adventure into mindfulness, with a twist of intuition. In this workshop you will learn how to tame the tigers of fear and anxiety using easy to develop mindfulness and intuitive coping skills, including meditation. Get out of automatic pilot and learn to enjoy the moment your in. The Thoughtful Thursday workshop takes place on the fourth Thursday of every month, offering a variety of thought-provoking psychological and wellness topics. Each workshop in this series uncovers the biology behind the psychology, and gives you practical tools to use your mind to change your brain to be a happier and healthier you.

Thoughtful Thursdays:

Mindfulness Explored

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013


5635 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 170
Scottsdale, AZ 85250

Call 480-261-4061 to register now. Pre-registration required.
$45 registration (companion $25). Save 10% if you mention this blog post!

Come learn and have some fun while you’re at it. It’s time to take some well deserved time for yourself, isn’t it?

Be happy and well,
Sari Roth-Roemer, Ph.D.

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