Community Magazine

Clothes Post # 7

By Rubytuesday
Doing my bit to boost the Irish economy
I am gradually replacing my clothes
One piece at a time
I can't lie
Once I got over the new sizes and numbers
I am now totally enjoying shopping
It's a lot of fun finding out what clothes I like
And who I am
Am I a hippy?
Am I preppy?
Am I sporty?
It turns out that I don't stick to any one style
My style is kind of a mish-mash of lots of styles
Here is today's haul........

Clothes Post # 7

I wasn't sure about these trousers, they are knitted but so warm
Perfect for Winter nights

Clothes Post # 7

Don't mind my silly expression
These are navy and white leggings
They're a little big but super comfy

Clothes Post # 7

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