Hello. This past week I have been shopping a few times, and I thought I would share them with you in a haul post. I do realize this is the second haul post in a row, but there will be some different posts up soon enough!
♡ Haul ♡

Gift, price unknown
LEFT: £1.99 RIGHT: £2.99
Both from Store 21
Dorothy Perkins
British Home Stores (BHS)
Henry Holland at Debenhams
Henry Holland at Debenhams
£8.39 (I think)
VEST TOP: H&M - £1.99
PJ BOTTOMS: £18 - Topshop
I think I may have to have a bit of shopping relax time so my body (and my purse) can recover from 3 days shopping in a row! Blog posts may lack within the next month as I have 3 exams (one on Tuesday!) and I'm also going to be moving back into my room after being in the spare room for a month while my room was being decorated. So yeah! Happy June! (How fast is 2013 going over?!?!)
Rebecca x