Life Coach Magazine

Cleveland Half Marathon 12 Week Training Countdown! #runCLE #clevemarathon

By Debi Lantzer @debiL1611

I started running somewhere around 2008. From that time until now, there has really only been one race that I can honestly say I trained for, and that was my very first half marathon in February of 2009! To this day, that half race is my half marathon PR (personal record), both before and after my accident. Ever since that time, I tend to throw a couple miles together, and focus on the goal of just finishing the race.

Well, here's the thing - I've decided to actually train for the Cleveland Half Marathon on May 17, 2015! It's probably because I was selected as one of the 15 Official Ambassadors for the race!

Cleveland Half Marathon 12 Week Training Countdown!  #runCLE #clevemarathon

I searched the internet and found a 12 week program I felt I could actually follow. Unfortunately, because mornings come so very, very early and I've never really been a morning person, it means to actually train for a race, I'm going to have to retrain myself on how to go to bed at night and force myself to sleep just so I can wake up to run before work. This part of the training process does NOT thrill me at all. Five days of training, two days off translates to FIVE DAYS OF WAKING UP EARLIER THAN USUAL to me.

Cleveland Half Marathon 12 Week Training Countdown!  #runCLE #clevemarathon

I looked at the calendar for this week - Week #1 - and basically every run this week is "only" 3 miles. It's still dark in the mornings when I'm getting up for work, so this will also mean a lot of treadmill runs for me since I'm not a fan of running in the dark. While 3 isn't a big number in running terms, since I'm a "back of the pack" runner (aka slow), fitting 3 miles in before work means getting up extra early. I could pretend like I'll come home from work and run, but I know that is a big fat lie I tell myself all the way to the couch.

I'll keep you all posted on my efforts at changing my sleeping/waking up early behavior, as well as my training as it goes along. I'm going to continue trying to follow the training plan, stay in the process of training for the Cleveland Half Marathon, and not just struggling to cross the finish line. I will share the process of learning to be consistent and training with all of you too. Knowing I have to share with all of you might keep me on track too!

Okay, it's getting late, and I have to get up early and put in 3!

Cleveland Half Marathon 12 Week Training Countdown!  #runCLE #clevemarathon

It would be great if you would stay connected with me!! You can follow me on Twitter @DebiL1611, like me on Facebook at 2014 and Beyond, circle me on Google+, follow me on Tumblr, Instagram and Bloglovin', subscribe on YouTube, or connect with me on LinkedIn and Pinterest.

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