Arts & Crafts Magazine

Class Cards for Christmas

By Partycraftsecrets @partycraftsecrt
Class Cards for Christmas It's no secret that I love writing, and that's why I think there's something so wonderful about really young people learning to write.  I am in constant amazement at the progress (or non progress) that my two preschool-aged daughters are making on their literacy journey.  It seems there is something of a 2 steps forward, 1 step back pattern in place at the moment.  Just when I think we have certain letters or numbers down pat I discover that several of them are back to front the very next day... regardless... they are progressing and I couldn't be more proud.  Of course I dream that they will grow up happy and healthy like all other mums, confident and creative would be a bonus, and if they turn out to love reading and writing as much as I do, well then, that would be the cherrilicious cake topper of all time!
Last year, when trying to help Mimi decide what to give out to her friends as an end-of year / pre-holiday gift, we abandoned the idea of anything edible, as the allergy implications are too onerous, she liked the idea of toys, but my wallet said no, stickers were a possibility, and then we agreed upon colourful pencils, in keeping with her "rainbow room" classroom name.  We topped each pencil with a gripper and eraser and a gift tag; read more here.
This year both my daughters got on board with the idea of inspiring future writers, and we spent an afternoon fashioning 40 class cards.
Here's what you'll need:
  • Christmas cards (all the same or all different - your choice)
  • Several packets of coloured lidded-biros (enough for one per card)
  • 1 or 2 packets of toy gem rings (again, one per card) 

Here's how to make them:
  1. Ask the children to write their name in each card and slip in into the envelope (my girls agonised over every choice of card and then took a long time to sign their names - so be sure to set aside adequate time to do this or break it into several shorter goes).
  2. Write each child's name on the envelope straight away to prevent confusion and mark them off your class list.
  3. Ask the children to select one pen and one ring per friend (my girls really enjoyed this and there were lots of "oh, she'll loooove this" and "he's defiantly a blue-boy" and so on).  You can match ring to pens (as Lotti did) or mix it up (as Mimi did) - depending on what pens / rings you choose.
  4. Slip the ring gently under the pen lid and tape in place on the front of each envekope (Christmas sticker optional).

Sure, the kids themselves would probably prefer yet another candy cane to rot their teeth, but I can't help think that the parents might prefer a pretty educational aid instead, and the ring?  Well who doesn't love a little bling at Christmas time?
Remember the best gifts are the ones you give... and that inspiration is one of the best gifts there is!

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