Politics Magazine

Civil Suit Filed Against Donald Trump for Repeatedly Raping a 13 Year Old Girl

Posted on the 10 October 2016 by Calvinthedog

Of all of the sexual misbehavior cases being leveled at Trump, possibly the worst of all is a civil case being pursued against Trump by a woman who claims he raped her in the company of hebephile Jeffrey Epstein, now known as the Billionaire Pedophile for having had sex with possibly hundreds of underage mostly teenage girls. He seems to have liked them under 16, maybe 14-15 or so.

This girl claims that she went to one of Epstein’s parties and Trump was there. These parties were arranged by Epstein’s partner in crime, a woman who procured teenage girls for Epstein, inviting them to his mansion to give Epstein massages and to parties where Epstein would have sex with underage teenage girls.

On four separate occasions, Trump was also at the party, and he forced himself on this 13 year old girl four separate times. The last time was a violent rape where he tied her to the bed and raped her while she protested loudly. When he was done, he slapped her in the face and told he not to tell anyone or she would end up like Maria, a 12 year old girl who had been at some of the parties who the girl had not seen in a while. The presumption was that Trump had had this girl disappeared somehow. Later Epstein also raped this same 13 year old girl. When he was done, he punched her hard in the face, furiously yelling that it was he who should have taken her virginity, not Trump. He also threatened her not to talk and told her he could have her whole family killed if she talked.

The woman who procured the girls for Epstein says she witnessed all four times when Trump forced himself on the girl, including the last time when he forcibly raped her. The woman also witnessed Epstein and Trump both having sex with the girl and the 12 year old Maria at once. They also forced the girls to perform lesbian sex in front of the men for their entertainment. So the procurer backs up everything the accuser claims Trump did not her including raping her four times, once forcibly.

The fact that the procurer witnessed all of these acts and backs up the woman’s charges 100% is very disturbing and implies to me that could well be something to this case. The incidents in the case occurred 21 years ago in 1995 and the statute of limitations on whatever crimes occurred there are up, so the woman has had to pursue the case civilly. There is also a statute of limitations claim in the civil case which I do not understand as I thought civil cases had not statutes of limitations.

Anyway this case is unbelievably damning and it’s hard to understand how it’s been kept out the media for so long. This is one of the most explosive charges ever against a Presidential candidate in a long time.

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