from Earth First! Newswire
The Civil Liberties Defense Center has been defending the rights of activists for 10 years now. They continue to have the backs of the eco-defenders around the country, as well as political prisoners in general.
Only yesterday, the CLDC released a statement in solidarity with those who oppose Lierre Keith speaking at the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference in Eugene, Oregon.
“Keith’s and DGR’s presence at PIELC prevents the conference from being an inclusive safe space,” the CLDC writes. “Keith and DGR’s attempts to further marginalize and disrespect transgendered people/activists is unacceptable, and will certainly put them on the wrong side of history, as civil and human rights continue to fortify within the queer and trans communities.”
from “In 2003, Lauren Regan, our current executive director and CLDC’s staff attorney, in combination with a group of environmental and social justice activists and attorneys, founded the Civil Liberties Defense Center (CLDC). The creation was an urgent response to a growing and increasingly crucial need for education and legal assistance within the progressive change movement in the post-September 11th era in which decrees like the PATRIOT Act were put in place. CLDC immediately developed a number of public education and outreach programs, offering low and reduced-rate legal assistance to activists, conducting national media interviews and commentary, and monitoring and challenging repressive legislation in the courts.
Our legal know-how, ability to effectively translate legalese, and litigation expertise, provide a foundation in which our constituents can rely on to tackle the tough issues they are confronting. Additionally, the trainings we organize weave together to build activists’ confidence and awareness of what to expect from interactions with law enforcement or counter-protesters.”
Consider donating to help the CLDC continue to represent and defend the radical environmental movement!