Hair & Beauty Magazine

Cirque Du Soleil Worlds Away

By Obviousleigh @Obviousleigh
I received two China Glaze nail polishes last week C/O Mel @CCDPR and thought it would be cool to  review them for you, having never owned anything from that brand before. These are both from the Cirque Du Soleil Worlds Away collection which came out at the end of last year. (a little bit late for a review i know). Cirque Du Soleil Worlds Away Cirque Du Soleil Worlds Away Cirque Du Soleil Worlds Away Cirque Du Soleil Worlds Away Cirque Du Soleil Worlds Away Cirque Du Soleil Worlds Away
Cirque Du Soleil Worlds Away
I tried to capture Surreal Appeal in its true form but the colours seem to have lost the slight peachy tone the polish has during upload unfortunately. You can see more of the color whilst in the bottle on the first picture. I was really pleased with this color when it came through the post and couldn't wait to get  paint it on my fakes before i applied them. The consistency is quite thick and one coat is all it took to make it opaque like above. Im not usually into pinks when it comes to nail varnish but can you imagine how insane that color would look with a tan in the summer! A great find i must admit :)
The next color is Whirled Away, i again was really excited to try this out but unfortunately it has led me to disappointment. I own various glitter shaped nail varnishes and have never experienced such effort when applying like Whirled Away. The glitter shapes were clumped together and i found myself digging through the polish to get some of those lovely big white hexagonal shapes out, as you can tell from the pictures above i didn't do too well. The consitency is very thick and if i had say two coats of a regular nail varnish, two coats of Whirled Away and also a top coat i would find that the layers would just peel away. If you have the time this could be a fantastic polish for you, plus it looks magical just on its own. Its just not for me unfortunately! Leigh xo

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