Serves 4
- 400 cl of water
- a teaspoon of salt
- 300 gr of flour
- a teaspoon of baking powder
- olive oil, for frying
- sugar, to serve
Method: Pour the salt into water and heat it. When it starts boiling, add the flour mixed with baking powder, little by little. Take care not to add too baking powder, because churros would be too inflated and they will take a lot of oil, making them indigestible. Stir well the mix until you get thin and smooth dough, not too thick.
Push the dough through a piping bag with a medium nozzle, according to the thickness of the churros you’d like to get.

Take the churros out from the frying pan when they are golden brown and drain them on paper towels. Serve them warm, sprinkled with sugar or with hot chocolate, as you like.

Recommendations: the best place to eat churros:
Casa Aranda 3, Herrería del Rey Street. 29005 Malaga, Spain www.casa-aranda.net

Best and oldest churrería in Málaga, from 1932. If there is a landmark associated with churros in Malaga, this is Casa Aranda. Casa Aranda is located in the heart of Málaga, near the shopping streets. He has over 75 years dedicated to the task of serving chocolate with churros.
Map: click here!