Community Magazine

Christmas Survival Guide

By Rubytuesday
It's almost Christmas again
Where this year has gone
I do not know
I thought I would do a list of tips to get through the holidays
As I know people with EDs can really struggle this time of year
Please feel free to add in any of your own
These are a mixture of my own experience
And tips from other sites
It's important to remember that everyone with an  ED is different
What works for one person
May not work for another
It's important to find what works for you
And focus on that
I love Christmas
But there is no denying that it can be a tricky time of year
I think it's important that we all find strategies that help us get through
And come out the other side relatively sane!
Remember Christmas is just another day
There is so much hype around the day itself
And if you are to believe the songs
'It's the most wonderful time of year'
This is not strictly true
Christmas can be a really tough time of year
For those who are sick
Who have no family
Who have no where to call home
Just because it is Christmas
It does not mean that everything is perfect
So if you don't feel like celebrating
That's ok
Just do as much as you feel able for
No one expects any more than that
Christmas is not all about food
Even though sometimes it can feel that way
Stick to your routine
If you have a meal plan
Stick to that
Although saying that
If you eat more on Christmas day
That's ok too
It's one day
And no damage will be done
Try not to let meal times become a negative experience over the holidays
Distract yourself before and after eating
Or even during eating
Take a walk
Phone a friends
Help out around the house
Beware of all or nothing patterns of thinking
Eating nothing or everything
It's about listening to your body and recognizing your own needs
I try to stick to my usual eating on Christmas Day
But it's easy to get caught up in the day and over eat
Don't best yourself up if this happens
You can get back on track tomorrow
Keep in touch
It's easy to become completely enveloped by home life during the holidays
Which can become claustrophobic, stressful or make Christmas related stress seem greater than it would otherwise
Make sure you maintain contact with the outside world
And you don't get drawn in to a vortex!
Make time to email, call or see your friends
Get out of the house
And do something outside of the family
There will be 10 here in my house for Christmas Day this year
I know I will be taking the dogs for plenty of walks over the holidays
Or going for a spin in my car
When I was a smoker
That was my excuse to take 10 minutes for myself
But I can still do that
Without the cigarettes of course
If you are coming home for Christmas
You may be seeing friends and family that you haven't seen in a while
If you are in recovery
Be prepared for the comments
Being told you 'look well' can be really tough
Acknowledge that people want to  give a compliment
Say thank you
And quickly change the subject
I am still getting comments about my appearance
Although I have to say it is getting easier
It may help to ask your family not to mention your appearance
Or give them some information on EDs
So your family have  a better idea of what is going on for you
Increase in symptoms
It's common for people who suffer from EDs to experience an increase in symptoms of their illness as the holiday season approaches.
 This may be due to stress over the impending festivities and/or anticipation of the presence of challenging (often high calorie) food in the weeks to come.
 Many sufferers will tell themselves that if they lose a few pounds before the holidays, they will be able to eat like everyone else
In reality this approach rarely works and the ED reasserts itself during the family time
As you know
I have been struggling myself in the run up to the holidays
And it is truly scary how things can take a turn for the worse
I am trying and fighting hard to get back on track
I am trying to treat this time of year like any other
Trying to use mindfulness to calm my mind
And I think I may need to go back to meetings
Just for my own sanity
Planning AheadIn the midst of the problem however, good planning will help make the holidays a little easier. Below is a list of suggestions to help cope with the holidays:
  • Talk to your treatment team and help identify what difficulties you may expect and problem-solve some strategies for dealing with them.
  • If you are following a meal plan try to stick to it over the holidays. Try to anticipate some of the situations that will make following it harder, such as time in transit, time changes, and not having access to your usual foods. If you are traveling, plan how or where you will get the food you need.
  • If you are traveling, it is wise to pack some snack foods both for the time in transit and to have upon arrival at the destination until you can go shopping.
  • Make a list of things you can do to help relax and distract yourself from the feelings of fullness after a big meal. e.g. go for a walk, take a bath, read, visit a friend, go for a drive, etc. If you are traveling be sure to bring some of your distraction activities.
  • Have the phone numbers of your treatment team and friends available to you.
  • If you need to be at a function with certain people who make you uncomfortable, plan some ways to excuse yourself from their immediate presence. Put your own health above anything else at all times.
  • Try not to count calories and try to avoid the scale.
  • If you feel yourself starting to panic because you are feeling too full or if you allowed yourself to eat foods that you consider to be forbidden, remind yourself it is okay to eat what you did, that food will not make you fat, and it is normal to eat more during the holidays. Most people do and it really is okay.
  • If you end up bingeing or purging, do not beat yourself up over it. Just put it behind you and move forward. Try to get back on track at the next meal.
  • Prepare responses to people who may say something to you that would make you uncomfortable.
  • If you feel you need to, set some boundaries for yourself by telling people ahead of time that you do not want anyone to comment on your appearance or your eating.
  • Be sure to plan some time for yourself to do something that you enjoy. It is very important to take special care of yourself during the holidays.

I hope these tips helped you get through Christmas
Please feel free to add in any of your own
Wishing you a happy and peaceful Christmas
Remember it is just one day
Remember you are stronger than you know
More capable than you think
Take care
And have a safe holiday

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