Hi friends! I hope you are having a great day. It doesn’t seem like a Wednesday over here. I don’t know about you, but whenever we have a Monday holiday it always throws my whole week off kilter. I’m going to keep this short because to say I am a bit slammed at work would be an understatement. I am getting ready to head to Chicago on Friday and the prep needed to go to a conference is INSANE. I will be spending the rest of my day in meetings prepping for this trip, but I wanted to stop by, say hello, let you know I’m thinking of you all and share with you a quote that I read last night before heading to bed that really resonated with me and got me thinking (way PAST my normal bedtime.)

I think this can be applied to all aspects of your life. I often hear people complain about hating their jobs, being unhappy in relationships, with their level of fitness, etc. It makes me sad that people choose to live in situations that lead to a state of prolonged unhappiness. I know some things can’t be changed with the snap of a finger and to make serious changes, it takes time and hard work, but it CAN be done. While my life is not all sunshine and rainbows, I do believe that your life is what YOU make it and when you don’t like something, it’s up to YOU to change it. I choose to be happy, so when things aren’t making me happy, I figure out a way to change them. Sometimes these changes are easy fixes, other times they are much larger and harder and can lead to a shift so substantial that it changes your life forever. But in either case, you have to start somewhere to make progress. So friends, this is what I was deep in thought about last night. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Question of the day
Do you agree or disagree with this? What changes have YOU made to get the results you wanted?