Food & Drink Magazine

Chocolate Walnut Pie

By Veronica46

Pull out all the stops with this ultra rich dessert.  It is the classic combo of chocolate and walnuts baked together in a unforgettably delicious pie.


I am not sure if I mentioned it, but I think that I am pie crust challenged.

There I have said it.

I am not sure if they have a support group for that sort of thing. If they did, I would go all the time.

I am not sure when I became pie challenged I just have.

Every time I try to make a homemade pie crust it turns out wrong.

Very very wrong.

So I do not make it. There are plenty of crusts on the market that are perfectly fine in using. I do not think that making my own crust makes me a bad cook. I think there are plenty of people who make cakes with cake mixes. All things do not have to be from scratch all the time. Sometimes you just want to have a shortcut.

Like now with this yummy pie.


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Peace be with you,


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