Behind every woman is a substantial amount of chocolate.
That is so, so true.
And then its chocolate ganache. (pron: ga-naaa-sh essentially French and awesome addictive)
All chocolate food groups of Dark chocolate. Milk chocolate and white chocolate are here. (Ok, I cheated a little I used cream and butter instead of white chocolate)
Heaven in a bite.
And then for those who feel overpowered by too much chocolate, there is a bite of tangy, tart and refreshing kiwi to cut through the sweetness of the ganache.
Enough said.
These egg free chocolate tarts were part of the high tea that was served to a high profile, I was super happy!
The tart cases are short crust pastry that
I made using the recipe from my apple pie crust and the filling is ganache that
I whipped into lightness and piped over the pastry cases and shoved a sliver of
kiwi into.
Then above that are my sprinkles...
The ganache, easy to make but intimidating
the first time.
All you need is Cream from the tetra pack or fresh cream from
your neighbourhood dairy. You need full fat and not low fat cream
Remember, chocolate never forgives you for
low fat.
I love Non dairy cream for ganache, but
fresh dairy cream will also do; only it needs some sweetening.
This recipe for ganache is for keeping as
you can do wonders with the same ratio.
For the
Chocolate Ganache Tarts with Kiwi and Panache -Eggless...
You need
360 mils non dairy cream/fresh full fat cream
240 Gms dark chocolate
50 gms salted butter
1 kiwi fruit sliced into wedges
Baked short crust pastry cases-tart cases
At least six hours before the tarts need to be made,
you must make the ganache.
Start with the cream. Mine was straight out of
the freezer, so it needed to first come to room temperature, and then heated to
boiling point.
Thus the double boiler.
For fresh cream you may need to sweeten the ganache,
but then that can be done later, so no worries.

Chop the chocolate into bits. I use Morde dark chocolate. Tastes wow, even without the cream. Place the chopped chocolate in a deep bowl that you can use your whisk in.
After the cream has begun to bubble and simmer,
pour the cream over the chocolate. the heat of the cream melts the chocolate
into beautiful shiny syrup.
While this is still warm, add the butter and
watch it meld in...
Now stir to cool and make sure no lumps exist and
only when it is cool, cover this with cling film. You don’t want drops of condensation
to form and ruin the ganache.
In order to save the maid a few dishes,I sometimes tip the chocolate into the either ways is OK.

Into the fridge with the pan and wait for it to chill and settle.
The tart cases rolled out 1/8th inch thin and pressed into the moulds and pricked at the bottom.
These need to be washed with egg white or milk and then baked at 180C/345F for 20-25 minutes and stored after they cool to be used whenever needed.
Like now.

Ganache out of the fridge, whip out the hand blender and whisk till it forms peaks. That means it is now pipe able.
Into the piping bag with a star nozzle or a zip lock bag with a nozzle and piped on.
Individual tarts ...

A bit of kiwi and then some pretty sprinkles.
And ready to go...
Glossy ,melt in teh mouth and liable to adhere to a manly man's moustache!
That is chocolate...
Loves even the manliest of men.

That is why they say this....
I so love pinterest...such a colourful way of putting one's point across...

PS ,I used the same recipe to do this Death by Chocolate Cake...
Ganache ,three ways...
But that is another blog post.
So what are you baking today???