Yes ,you can bake with this too. Actually.Use it like sugar.I did and used a little less than what the recipe calls for. And the brownies were sweet enough.And 773 calories lighter.Now that is a bl***y lot less.And SugarFree Natura has ZERO calories. So what's better? Sugar or SugarFree?Best is to zero in on the calories from sugar, avoid them by using a sugar substitute that you can bake and cook or subject to high heat without it turning dangerous for human health.
So get you a bottle and start to bake!
I would never bake with Ghirardelli chocolate. I'll eat it. Or drink it . Or whatever it!But I'll bake with a lesser chocolate.I used a baking semi sweet dark chocolate bar.Pretty standard.
For the
Chocolate Brownies and SugarFree Natura 773 Calories Low
You need
One 100 GMs bottle SugarFree Natura 3/4 cup flour1/8 tsp baking powder100 GMs Amul butter100 GMs chocolate 100 GMs chocolate chips or chopped chocolate Handful of chopped walnuts and or almonds 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla essence
Place the butter and chocolate into a saucepan over a double boiler to heat gently till the chocolate and butter become one. Totally romantic amalgamation of the two sinfully decadent lovers.Now take off the heat.Line a 8 by 8 inch square tin with parchment paper. You can use foil or A4 paper but parchment paper is worth the extra effort.Turn your oven to 180C or 350F.
Now pour 3/4 cup of SugarFree Natura into the chocolate mix. It's a little coarse and grainy.
Mix well, it'll take at least a minute.Now crack in the eggs.I was on a bake-Athon that day ... Chocolate sponge,date and walnuts eggless cake and then the brownies.So in the pics you may see remanants of the past actions.Whisk the eggs in.Make sure the mix is cool before you crack the eggs in.You don't want scrambled eggs in chocolate.
Now whisk in the essence and the flour and baking powder.The recipes always call for a pinch of salt. But they know not that in India,butter is not butter if it is not salted or Amul.
So use your spatula and mix the chocolate and chopped nuts in.And pour into the baking tin and pop into the oven for 26 minutes.
Now the difference between using SugarFree Natura and sugar.The batter was Runnier. I can make these brownies with my eyes blind folded and one hand tied behind my back.The batter was definitely not as thick as batter with sugar.Sugar brownies take 30 odd minutes to cook and these were ready in 24. I gave it one extra minute,because I couldn't believe they would have baked in 24 minutes.I used my convection microwave to bake ,hence the time.The brownies were thinner.I know 773 calories less, but they were thinner by maybe 2 mm.Ok bring them out after you have tested the center for very few crumbs.Remember for a cake, the toothpick must have NO CRUMBS. But for Brownies,the toothpick must ALWAYS HAVE CRUMBS.That's a rule you need to remember.I cut 15 pieces.I had to. 9 was just unfair.Watching.Yes he does this too... Stare longingly at brownies.And stuff.
See the texture?Crisp on the outside and fudge-y on the inside.Just like a brownie should be.Better?I first thought of the icing sugar or SugarFree Natura snow over the brownies,but I stopped myself.773 calories is what I'll always remember.That and SugarFree Natura.
SugarFree Natura or Sugar with 773 calories???You need to answer that?
So what are you baking today???