Lifestyle Magazine

Chicken Potato Omelette

By Invisiblestilettos
Good morning!  How did you spend your weekend guys?  Every weekend morning, I always have the chance to prepare breakfast and this recipe I love to make because not only are omelettes one of my go-to, no-brainer breakfast recipes, but I love this recipe particularly because it is so hearty and will definitely fill you up til lunch.  You all know I love making things easy and this one is no exception, very simple but super delicious.  I actually got this recipe from a good friend and office mate, Gwen (Hi Gwen!).  She usually will have this for lunch which her mom makes for her and another good friend and office mate, Rhea, and I will share Weng's packed lunch. (Haha! Sorry Gwen!).  I asked Gwen for the recipe and I have been making this ever since.  I also love that this recipe brings back office memories - packed lunch, chitchat during lunch time, and all the fun stuff we used to do :)Chicken Potato OmeletteFor this easy recipe, you will need the following:
1. Chicken breast
2.  Potatoes
3.  Tomatoes, deseeded and sliced
4.  Eggs
5.  Garlic and onion, sliced and diced
You will also need, cooking oil, salt, and pepper.Chicken Potato Omelette
First, wash your potatoes.  Peel then cube to a bit smaller than bite-size pieces.  I love putting a lot of potatoes on my omelet so I used one large potato for this recipe.Chicken Potato OmeletteNext, prepare the chicken by deboning or you can buy breast fillets at the supermarket then clean and cut to bite-size pieces.  I used about a third of a breast meat for this recipe.Chicken Potato OmeletteNext, in a clean bowl, crack two eggs and beat until the yolks combined with the whites.  You can use a whisk or a fork to do this.  Do not season at this point.  I have been marathoning Gordon Ramsay's shows lately and he says not to season eggs with salt and pepper before cooking, so follow Gordon Ramsay's advice if you do not want to be yelled at, hehe!Chicken Potato OmeletteIn a heated pan, put a bit of cooking oil, then saute garlic and onion until garlic is golden brown and onions turn translucent.  Add tomatoes and cook until softened.Chicken Potato OmelettePlace the sauteed garlic, onion and tomato on one side of the pan then place the chicken. Cook chicken until tender then place it on one side of the pan.  Add and cook the potatoes.  The potatoes should be soft but not soggy.  Mix all ingredients together then season with salt and pepper.Chicken Potato OmeletteNow it's time to add in the beaten eggs.  Evenly distribute our filling then cook as usual.Chicken Potato OmeletteThis is how my omelettes looked like after. Yummy!  No need for bread or rice.  Just plain omelet wtih hot sauce and I'm good to go :)Chicken Potato OmeletteHope you try today's recipe.

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