Business Magazine

Cheers to Heineken

By Fashiontofood @FashiontoFood

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We are bombarded with ads every day. Mobile, Digital, Cable. It comes at us from every corner. Some people hate watching commercials on TV (aka my brother), I on the other hand can't wait to see how a brand is going to make me part with my money. I love ads. Sure, some are dumb, irresponsible, boring, and stereotypical but then there are ads that are creative, aspirational, motivational, and funny. The reality is, I am a consumerist. My money is going to leave my wallet one way or another so I expect brands to get my attention creatively - including advertising. Let me fall in love with your brand. In other words, help me, help you. To do this of course, brands need to get to know me better and I don't mind that. Wouldn't life be better if ads for a Walk In Tub or The Sham Wow didn't clog your inbox or TV screen? I'm not interested in either of those products. Get to know me!!!
Moving on. Let's talk about Heineken. Love the beer. Love the brand. Love their ads.  How can you forget about this one? It still makes me laugh and nails it. What closets are to women, beer fridges (filled with bottles of Heineken's) are to men. Of course, all the while appealing to both. Ultimately, Heineken for all. So brilliant.

Their new ad is equally as awesome. Yes, it made me want to open a bottle and dance the night away. Although, I give props to this guy. It's been years since I've had the energy to party all night and stay up to watch the sunrise. I love the concept, love the dude, love the club, love the hours, love the colours, love the DJ, love the music. But most of all, I love that majority of the time, the dude is actually drinking bottled water. Take note Jersey Shore Generation. Enough with the sloppy, messy, stripping and drunking (that's not a typo). Moderation is where it's at!

Nicely done!

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