Was Charlie Sheen’s most vile and debased activities centered around female prostitutes and porn starts?
Is this really how he caught HIV?
Or was there gay sex as well?
Long before reports that he sodomized born-to-be-a-bottom Haim and shared a joint with him when he was 19 or 20 and Haim was barely a teenager, his bisexuality was publicly acknowledged.
Had Sheen been secretly gay and, like many gays, fond of anal sex with children?
Charlie Sheen probably did not get HIV from the countless women that he had sex with. Charlie Sheen is what we call a sex addict. We have a Canadian woman commenter on here who is an excellent judge of male and female sexuality. She has remarked that many male sex addicts are bisexual. This is not because they are gay but it is instead because the more of a sex maniac/sex addict you are, the more you “fuck anything that moves.” Also being a sex addict lines up with being a pervert. Sex perverts try anything sexual. If it’s sexual, they try it. 2/3 of male straight porn stars have had gay sex. This is not because they are gay – crossover stars from gay porn are almost nonexistent in the straight porn industry whereas the other way around is more common. This is simply because they are perverts! Perverts will try anything sexual and I do mean anything!
It seems that Charlie Sheen, while being overwhelmingly heterosexual, also has some dramatically lesser gay interests. But he is such a sex addict that even a minor gay interest adds up to quite a bit of sex. So while he had sex with 5,000 women, he may have had sex with ~50 men. This means that 1% of his sex partners were via gay sex. So 1% of his sex being gay sex means he is gay? Please!
I do believe that Sheen caught HIV from some of the gay sex he engaged in. In particular, he is said to have enjoyed sex with shemales and quite a few of them have HIV as most are just gay men halfway transitioned to a transwoman.
This shit is so easy to figure out, man.
Charlie Sheen has FUCKED OVER 5,000 WOMEN. Ok, now i happen to think he deserves an Academy Award for that alone, or maybe even a Nobel Prize. Surely that gets him a star on the Boulevard. Sheen is one of the biggest studs that ever lived! I want your autograph, Charlie!
Ok, so he is apparently bi. Now I never knew this about him because I was being tossed about the 5,000 Women Hurricane.
Now, look, this is how you figure out sexual orientation. It’s really quite simple. You just do the math. Also you use your intuition. Shut off your logic. Logic causes nothing but trouble. Nothing has sunken more arguments than logic. I call it “the logic trap” because I have found that the “pure logic” types are some of the worst thinkers of all and they consistently come up with the wrongest answers the most frequently.
Now look. Most bisexual men are what we call leaners. And almost all men who are attracted to both genders (36% of all men – over 1/3!) lean straight. Fully 31 of that 36% of bisexual men lean straight. That means 80% of men who are attracted to both genders lean straight. So 80% of “bi” men are mostly straight. Only a small minority – 4 out of the 36 or 11% – of “bisexual” men lean gay.
Looking at Charlie Sheen’s life history, he may well be bisexual, but it looks like he leans very heavily straight. First of all, I can tell you flat out that no gay men in the history of the universe would ever fuck 5,000 women. It just would never happen. Most of them could barely fuck five women without vomiting in sheer disgust.
When looking at sexual orientation, you look at the general thrust of the man’s life. In this case, the overwhelming thrust of his sex life has been heterosexual. Yes, he does seem to have some homosexual interest, but that seems to be quite minor in relation to the way he has lived is life, which is as one of the most notorious pussyhounds that ever lived.
What is interesting is that what gay interest he has seems to be centered on underage men. Now the least masculine males – the males who look most like females – are boys. No male is more like a woman than boy and the younger the boy, the more womanly he is. So the fact that the only males he seems to be interested in are the very young ones (who resemble women the most) once again points to a mostly heterosexual orientation.
N. B. I have heard that some straight male child molesters will go after a boy but they would never touch a man. This was said to be because young boys are almost girlish.