
CCC 21 - Chocs Away Rudolf ! Its Nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

Posted on the 08 December 2013 by Lancashirefood

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

The amazing cake the venue produced for our event !

Christmas is coming ! and were celebrating our 21st event for the South Lancashire branch of the Clandestine Cake Club. We have been lucky enough to hold our event at the in lovely new Chocolate Rooms in Tarleton. 

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

Despite our event clashing with the Clandestine Cake Club national 3rd birthday party which was being held in Liverpool (just down the road !) we had a great time at our "chocolate" themed event and venue.

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

The Chocolate rooms was a fab venue and we were warmly welcomed by our hosts Jacqui and Paul Williams (Choc Amor) who really embraced our meeting by baking a cake for the event.

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

High on chocolate, fighting broke out for the last piece of cake ! 

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton
As usual our bakers produced an amazing range of creations, all suitably chocolatey and festive too. We had a 

  • Giant Jaffa cake baked by Carla
  • Chocolate Courgette Cake (wheat free) baked by Lucy
  • Rudolfs rum, raisin and white chocolate cake baked by me
  • Cranberry and white chocolate cake baked by Katherine
  • White chocolate and cranberry noel cake baked by Sarah
  • Red wine velvet cake baked by Catherine
  • Cinnamon and nutella baked by Caroline
  • Bailey's chocolate prince layer cake baked by Rachel
  • Cardamon and orange with chocolate topping baked by Lynne
  • Chocolate cake with real orange topping baked by Helen
  • Chocolate treasure cake baked by Choc Amor
CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton

CCC 21 - Chocs away Rudolf ! Its nearly Christmas at The Chocolate Rooms, Tarleton
The Chocolate Rooms can be found in the center of Tarleton Village, just of the A59 and their hot chocolate is amazing. Pay them a visit soon.

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