Fashion Magazine

Catching Dreams

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx
catching dreams
Ever since I was a little girl I have always loved dream catchers. Around the age of 8 I was getting really bad dreams, and my dad (being the gem he is), got me a beautiful dream catcher. That same dream catcher has been in my room ever since. Whether they work or not, I can't tell you (although I never have too many bad dreams), they are pretty nonetheless. Anyways, I mentioned in my previous post I have the whole week off of work. Meaning that left me plenty of time to relax with the ones I love the most. My first day off work I woke up to some of the nicest weather we have had in a while here in San Diego, so my roomies and I decided to have friends over for a relaxing day of crafts. We all headed over to Michaels craft store and snagged some dream catching supplies (plus a stop at the liquor store for some brews... obviously). I think it's safe to say we all had so much fun, and everyone got to go home with their own personal dream catcher!  catching dreams catching dreams Navajo inspired silver beads
catching dreams Me, hard at work... this was the most tedious part by far!
catching dreams End result, perfection... I'll let you know if it works!

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